Above Us the Waves Overview:

Above Us the Waves (1955) was a Adventure - Drama Film directed by Ralph Thomas and produced by Earl St. John and William MacQuitty.

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The attack by midget submarines did considerable damage, and actually put the Tirpitz out of action. The Tirpitz was later sunk using gigantic 6 ton bombs by R.A.F. Sqn. 617.
The code-name of the real life World War II mission that this film was based on was Operation Source. This operation utilized the Royal Navy's midget X class submarines.
This movie features a scene where there is an underwater man-to-man fight between Nazi German and British frogmen in an anti-submarine net but in the real-life mini-sub attack on the Tirpitz, this fight did not occur.
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Also directed by Ralph Thomas

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Also released in 1955

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