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Seven Samurai (1954, Kurosawa Akira)
The Stop Button Posted by Andrew Wickliffe on Jul 27, 2018
Seven Samurai is about a farming village, under imminent threat of bandits raiding and stealing their crop–and possibly doing much worse–who decides to hire samurai to defend them. They send four men–Fujiwara Kamatari, Kosugi Yoshio, Tsuchiya Yoshio, and Hidari Bokuzen–to town to hire the samurai. read more

Rashomon (1950, Kurosawa Akira)
The Stop Button Posted by Andrew Wickliffe on Sep 4, 2016
Where to start with Rashomon? Starting at the beginning means talking about the bookends–three strangers stranded in the rain, two telling the third different versions of the same story, each ostensibly true. The rain pours down around them, drowning out their voices. Rashomon is a film witho read more

Takashi Shimura and Akira Kurosawa
Le Mot du Cinephiliaque Posted by Michael on Jan 23, 2016
Note : this review is a
contribution to Symbiotic Collaborations blogathon
hosted by CineMaven’s Essays From the Couch.
Takashi Shimura and Akira Kurosawa
Japanese film director Akira Kurosawa
doesn’t need an introduction amongst cinephiles, actor Takashi Shimura is read more

Drunken Angel (1948, Kurosawa Akira)
The Stop Button Posted by Andrew Wickliffe on May 25, 2015
Drunken Angel never hides its sentimentality. The film’s protagonist, an alcoholic doctor working in a slum (Shimura Takashi in a glorious performance), is well aware of his sentimentality. He resents it–Shimura has these great yelling and throwing scenes–but it’s what keeps read more

What If…? Akira Kurosawa’s (Sort Of) Top 100 Films List
Durnmoose Movie Musings Posted by Michael on Aug 18, 2014
Okay, let me go ahead and admit up front that the headline up above is – in the best internet tradition – at least slightly misleading. No, the acclaimed Japanese director Akira Kurosawa never made a top 100 films list. As his daughter, Kazuko Kurosawa states, “My father always sai read more

Birthday of the Week: Akira Kurosawa (1)
Mildred's Fatburgers Posted by Beth Daniels on Mar 25, 2014
Akira Kurosawa, Tokyo, Japan March 23, 1910 - Sept. 6, 1998
Autobiography Something Like an Auto-biography, By Akira Kurosawa, Vintage, 1983 The Only Reason I Appreciate Westerns at All The eighth and youngest child of an army physical education instruct read more

Akira Kurosawa – Japan’s Greatest Director? (1)
Pretty Clever Films Posted by Pretty Clever Film Gal on Nov 15, 2012
Here’s a piece I wrote for The Toronto Film Scene wherein I wonder if Akira Kurosawa is Japan’s greatest filmmaker. My takeaway is – impossible to say. Impossible for me, at least, because I don’t know much about Japanese cinema beyond, well, Akira Kurosawa. But I know great read more

Dupla Dinâmica: Akira Kurosawa e Toshiro Mifune
Critica Retro Posted by Lê on Aug 8, 2012
Dupla Dinâmica: Akira Kurosawa e Toshiro Mifune Algumas colaborações entre ator / atriz e diretor são memoráveis. No cinema clássico japonês o mais conhecido ator talvez seja Toshiro Mifune, chinês de nascimento e fotógrafo na Segunda Guerra Mundial, que teve uma parceria rica e fascinante read more

Top films of Akira Kurosawa by LMdC
Le Mot du Cinephiliaque Posted by Michael on Feb 20, 2012
1. Ran (1985)
2. Seven Samurai (1954)
3. Red Beard (1965)
4. Rashomon (1950)
5. Ikiru (1952)
6. The Bad Sleep Well (1960)
7. High and Low (1963)
8. Drunken Angel (1948)
9. Sanjuro (1962)
10. Yojimbo (1961)
11. Dersu Uzala (1975)
12. Kagemusha (1980)
13. Stray Dog (1949)
14. Throne of Blood read more

Dupla Dinâmica: Akira Kurosawa e Toshiro Mifune
Critica Retro Posted by Lê on Nov 30, -0001
Dupla Dinâmica: Akira Kurosawa e Toshiro Mifune Algumas colaborações entre ator / atriz e diretor são memoráveis. No cinema clássico japonês o mais conhecido ator talvez seja Toshiro Mifune, chinês de nascimento e fotógrafo na Segunda Guerra Mundial, que teve uma parceria rica e fascinante read more