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Silent Sunday: A Momentary Change of Pace
Durnmoose Movie Musings Posted by Michael on Jan 5, 2020
Okay, so usually “Silent Sunday” is a day where I just post a short introduction and then let the movie “speak” (even though there’s no actual speaking) for itself. It’s a nice bit, and a fitting theme, and honestly a nice way to get a day’s worth of content read more

Short Film Spotlight – Animal Behaviour (2018)
Durnmoose Movie Musings Posted by Michael on Jan 4, 2020
Okay, I know I said I was going to be posting a follow-up to Thursday’s column on the Public Domain status of the John Wayne movie McLintock! today, but to be honest, it’s more complex than you might think, and since part of the reason for shifting things around here was to give myself t read more

Weekend Double Feature – Featuring Barenaked Ladies! And their Cats! (or, in other words, It’s All Been Done Before…)
Durnmoose Movie Musings Posted by Michael on Jan 3, 2020
Yeah, I know I threw some of you yesterday when I said I was going to do a follow-up to that post on Saturday, which is usually when I post the Double Feature, but that’s because I knew (and y’all didn’t yet) that the DF was moving to Friday. So, the way the Double Feature usually read more

Throwback Thursday: The Professor’s First Treasure
Durnmoose Movie Musings Posted by Michael on Jan 2, 2020
Between this blog and my previous one, Professor Damian’s Public Domain Treasure Chest, I’ve been writing about movies for quite a while now. Because of that, there are a lot of posts that have simply gotten lost to the mists of time. So, I figured I’d use the idea of “Throwb read more

Happy Public Domain Day 2020!!
Durnmoose Movie Musings Posted by Michael on Jan 1, 2020
Looking back, I see that I wasn’t blogging this time last year, and that’s a shame, because that’s the first time i would have been able to wish you a Happy Public Domain Day instead of an (Un)Happy one as had become the annual tradition around here. Why? Because last year was the read more

Silent Sunday – Man With a Movie Camera (1929)
Durnmoose Movie Musings Posted by Michael on Dec 29, 2019
Since Sunday tends to be a day of quiet and reflection for many people, it seems an appropriate day to celebrate silent movies. But in keeping with the “day of rest” theme, I’m just going to post this without any commentary and just sit back and let you enjoy. read more

A Quick Site Update
Durnmoose Movie Musings Posted by Michael on Dec 22, 2019
You may have noticed that posts here lately have been few and far between. yes, that is partially due to the holidays, but it’s also because I’m working on a pretty major revamp of the site for the upcoming new year. Now, when i say “revamp”, I’m not so much talking abo read more

Silent Sunday – A Christmas Carol (1910)
Durnmoose Movie Musings Posted by Michael on Dec 22, 2019
Since Sunday tends to be a day of quiet and reflection for many people, it seems an appropriate day to celebrate silent movies. But in keeping with the “day of rest” theme, I’m just going to post this without any commentary and just sit back and let you enjoy. read more

Silent Sunday – The Pleasure Garden (1925)
Durnmoose Movie Musings Posted by Michael on Dec 15, 2019
Since Sunday tends to be a day of quiet and reflection for many people, it seems an appropriate day to celebrate silent movies. But in keeping with the “day of rest” theme, I’m just going to post this without any commentary and just sit back and let you enjoy. read more

Silent Sunday – Anemic Cinema (1926)
Durnmoose Movie Musings Posted by Michael on Dec 8, 2019
Since Sunday tends to be a day of quiet and reflection for many people, it seems an appropriate day to celebrate silent movies. But in keeping with the “day of rest” theme, I’m just going to post this without any commentary and just sit back and let you enjoy. read more

Saturday Double Feature: ?? and… ?
Durnmoose Movie Musings Posted by Michael on Dec 7, 2019
(Okay, let’s start with a quick recap of the “rules”, shall we? The basic idea here is to take a movie that is out in theaters now, and pair it up with another movie from the 1980s or before. Sometimes the connection will be obvious, and sometimes it’ll be a little less so, b read more

Throwback Thursday – Sherlock Holmes Baffled (1990)
Durnmoose Movie Musings Posted by Michael on Dec 5, 2019
Between this blog and my previous one, Professor Damian’s Public Domain Treasure Chest, I’ve been writing about movies for quite a while now. Because of that, there are a lot of posts that have simply gotten lost to the mists of time. So, I figured I’d use the idea of “Throwb read more

Stick It In and Twist – Knives Out (2019)
Durnmoose Movie Musings Posted by Michael on Dec 4, 2019
I haven’t been doing a lot of contemporary movie reviews here lately, mostly because I feel like you can get those pretty much anywhere, and from folks far more articulate than I. Nonetheless, when one of my most anticipated movies of the year comes out and fully delivers on all of my expectat read more

Old Time Radio Tuesday – Dr. Tim, Detective
Durnmoose Movie Musings Posted by Michael on Dec 3, 2019
The short intro: For those who are unfamiliar with the concept, Old Time Radio is the phrase generally used to refer to the time when radio was (mostly) live, and was full of a variety of different shows, as opposed to simply being a means for record labels to use robots to promote the top records o read more

Made for TV Monday – Evil Roy Slade
Durnmoose Movie Musings Posted by Michael on Dec 2, 2019
Okay, we’ll start with a short intro for the newcomers: As implied by the phrase, “made for tv movies” are films that were created to be shown exclusively on television as opposed to having a run in theaters. Though they started in the mid-60s and continued on well into the 2000s, read more

Silent Sunday – The Toll of the Sea (1922)
Durnmoose Movie Musings Posted by Michael on Dec 1, 2019
Since Sunday tends to be a day of quiet and reflection for many people, it seems an appropriate day to celebrate silent movies. But in keeping with the “day of rest” theme, I’m just going to post this without any commentary and just sit back and let you enjoy. read more

Saturday Double Feature: Knives Out (2019) and…
Durnmoose Movie Musings Posted by Michael on Nov 30, 2019
Okay, let’s start with a quick recap of the “rules”, shall we? The basic idea here is to take a movie that is out in theaters now, and pair it up with another movie from the 1980s or before. Sometimes the connection will be obvious, and sometimes it’ll be a little less so, bu read more

Done With the Turkey? Good. Guess What It’s Time For?
Durnmoose Movie Musings Posted by Michael on Nov 29, 2019
Ah, the “holiday season”… here we are, the day after Thanksgiving, so of course it’s time to turn our thoughts to Christmas. For a lot of people, Christmas means Christmas Specials. You know the ones I mean, A Charlie Brown Christmas, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, etc., but read more

Happy Throwback Thanksgiving! – Thanksgiving With Jack
Durnmoose Movie Musings Posted by Michael on Nov 28, 2019
Between this blog and my previous one, Professor Damian’s Public Domain Treasure Chest, I’ve been writing about movies for quite a while now. Because of that, there are a lot of posts that have simply gotten lost to the mists of time. So, I figured I’d use the idea of “Throwb read more

Old Time Radio Tuesday – Talking Turkey Day
Durnmoose Movie Musings Posted by Michael on Nov 19, 2019
The short intro: For those who are unfamiliar with the concept, Old Time Radio is the phrase generally used to refer to the time when radio was (mostly) live, and was full of a variety of different shows, as opposed to simply being a means for record labels to use robots to promote the top records o read more