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The Perils of Pauline (1914, Louis J. Gasnier and Donald MacKenzie), the European version
The Stop Button Posted by Andrew Wickliffe on Nov 6, 2017
What remains of The Perils of Pauline is not The Perils of Pauline. This European version is a condensation of the actual serial. The nine chapter European version is about half the original length of the serial. And it’s also not a good translation. English to French to English again. So the Europ read more

The Perils of Pauline (1914, Louis J. Gasnier and Donald MacKenzie), the European version, Chapter 9: The Floating Coffin
The Stop Button Posted by Andrew Wickliffe on Nov 5, 2017
The Floating Coffin starts as most Perils of Pauline chapters start. Villain Paul Panzer is loitering around lovebirds Pearl White and Crane Wilbur, trying to figure out a way to off White. This time they’re yachting and White wants to go off on her own in a motorboat. Unlike every other chapter of read more

The Perils of Pauline (1914, Louis J. Gasnier and Donald MacKenzie), the European version, Chapter 8: The Serpent in the Flowers
The Stop Button Posted by Andrew Wickliffe on Nov 4, 2017
The Serpent in the Flowers only refers to one of the many things in this penultimate chapter of The Perils of Pauline. It comes towards the middle, after Paul Panzer has hired gypsy Clifford Bruce to again do away with Pearl White. Panzer senses he’s running out of time to kill White (accordi read more

The Perils of Pauline (1914, Louis J. Gasnier and Donald MacKenzie), the European version, Chapter 7: The Tragic Plunge
The Stop Button Posted by Andrew Wickliffe on Nov 3, 2017
This chapter involves the world of international espionage, with leads Pearl White, Crane Wilbur, and Paul Panzer meeting a submarine designer (Jack Standing) who offers White a tour of his latest boat. Conveniently, Standing’s (unfortunately uncredited) fiancée is a foreign agent out to steal his read more

The Perils of Pauline (1914, Louis J. Gasnier and Donald MacKenzie), the European version, Chapter 6: The Shattered Plane
The Stop Button Posted by Andrew Wickliffe on Nov 2, 2017
The Shattered Plane title to this chapter kind of gives things away. Is there going to be a shattering of a plane? Has it already shattered? Villain Paul Panzer talks his ward, Pearl White, into going out to the airfield and trying to get aboard a plane. There’s going to be a race. White love read more

The Perils of Pauline (1914, Louis J. Gasnier and Donald MacKenzie), the European version, Chapter 5: A Watery Doom
The Stop Button Posted by Andrew Wickliffe on Nov 1, 2017
A Watery Doom opens with scheming villain Paul Panzer hiring a “gypsy” (honestly, calling them Romani in this context seems inappropriate), played by Clifford Bruce, to drown his ward, Pearl White. But Panzer’s worried her fiancé Crane Wilbur will come along and save her at the last minute. So read more

The Perils of Pauline (1914, Louis J. Gasnier and Donald MacKenzie), the European version, Chapter 4: The Deadly Turning
The Stop Button Posted by Andrew Wickliffe on Oct 31, 2017
The Deadly Turning starts with what seems like a lot of corrective potential. Pearl White has signed up for a car race without telling beau Crane Wilbur or guardian Paul Panzer. Once she’s accepted, she tells them at once, setting she and Wilbur on their plot line and Panzer on his. Wilbur begs Whi read more

The Perils of Pauline (1914, Louis J. Gasnier and Donald MacKenzie), the European version, Chapter 3: The Pirate Treasure
The Stop Button Posted by Andrew Wickliffe on Oct 30, 2017
The Pirate Treasure doesn’t give Pearl White anything more to do than usual in Pauline, despite her playing Pauline, but it’s one heck of an amusing chapter. Villains Paul Panzer and Francis Carlyle (who really ought to be top-billed since they have the most to do every chapter–so far) are walking read more

The Perils of Pauline (1914, Louis J. Gasnier and Donald MacKenzie), the European version, Chapter 2: The Goddess of the Far West
The Stop Button Posted by Andrew Wickliffe on Oct 29, 2017
Tired of being in the public eye–presumably since she escaped a terrible fate in the previous chapter–Pearl White decides to go visit some friends out west. Suitor and pal Crane Wilbur can’t go with her (which is initially a blessing); unfortunately, villain Paul Panzer discovers her plans and read more

The Perils of Pauline (1914, Louis J. Gasnier and Donald MacKenzie), the European version, Chapter 1: Trial by Fire
The Stop Button Posted by Andrew Wickliffe on Oct 28, 2017
Trial by Fire takes a while to get to its first Peril for (sort of) lead Pauline (Pearl White). She’s a young heiress who wants to live a life of adventure–at least for a year–before she marries her guardian’s son. That son, Crane Wilbur, doesn’t really want Pauline to take this year off, read more

Musical Monday: The Perils of Pauline (1947)
Comet Over Hollywood Posted by on May 22, 2017
It’s no secret that the Hollywood Comet loves musicals. In 2010, I revealed I had seen 400 movie musicals over the course of eight years. Now that number is over 500. To celebrate and share this musical love, here is my weekly feature about musicals. This week’s musical: The Perils Of Pauline (1947 read more

Throwback Thursday – The Perils Of Pauline (1947)
Durnmoose Movie Musings Posted by Michael on Jun 9, 2016
Between this blog and my previous one, Professor Damian’s Public Domain Treasure Chest, I’ve been writing about movies for quite a while now. Because of that, there are a lot of posts that have simply gotten lost to the mists of time. So, I figured I’d use the idea of “Throwb read more

Throwback Thursday – The Perils Of Pauline (1914)
Durnmoose Movie Musings Posted by Michael on Jun 2, 2016
Between this blog and my previous one, Professor Damian’s Public Domain Treasure Chest, I’ve been writing about movies for quite a while now. Because of that, there are a lot of posts that have simply gotten lost to the mists of time. So, I figured I’d use the idea of “Throwb read more

“The Perils of Pauline” (1914)
Noir and Chick Flicks Posted by Silentfilmfanatic on Aug 3, 2011
“The Perils of Pauline” (1914) is a silent serial starring Pearl White, Crane Wilbur and Paul Panzer. Directed by Louis J. Gasnier and Donald MacKenzie, this serial is the most popular of the silent serials. Even though “The Perils of Pauline” (1914) was originally twenty e read more