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Silver Screen Standards: Tension (1949)
Classic Movie Hub Blog Posted by Jennifer Garlen on Oct 23, 2020
Silver Screen Standards: Tension (1949) Although it’s not as celebrated as noir classics like The Maltese Falcon (1942) or Sunset Blvd. (1950), director John Berry’s Tension (1949) is one of my go-to picks for the genre because it packs so much punch to appreciate into 95 minutes of keenly depict read more

Tension (1949): Richard Basehart Caught Between The Good and The Bad Girl
4 Star Films Posted by 4 Star Film Fan on Nov 30, 2019
Barry Sullivan has an absolute field day as a homicide cop, Lt. Collier Bonnabel, with very calculated methods of getting to the root of every crime. Whether it comes by pushing, cajoling, romancing, tricking, flattering — he’ll do whatever is necessary. What matters to him is to keep st read more

Tensão (1949) / Tension (1949)
Critica Retro Posted by Lê on Jul 27, 2019
Tensão (1949) / Tension (1949) Tensão é a arma secreta de um investigador do departamentos de homicídios chamado Collier Bonnabel (Barry Sullivan). Afinal, é a física: se você tencionar demais algo ou alguém, ele / ela se romperá – e confessará o crime. Você já deve saber disso: read more

Drug Store Delilah: Audrey Totter in TENSION (1949)
Virtual Virago Posted by Jennifer Garlen on Oct 5, 2016
Audrey Totter is one of many actresses we naturally associate with noir; her best remembered films include noir classics like Lady in the Lake (1947) and The Set-Up (1949), and she also appears in a supporting role in The Postman Always Rings Twice (1946). Less well known than these other pictures i read more

Drug Store Delilah: Audrey Totter in TENSION (1949)
Virtual Virago Posted by Jennifer Garlen on Oct 5, 2016
Audrey Totter is one of many actresses we naturally associate with noir; her best remembered films include noir classics like Lady in the Lake (1947) and The Set-Up (1949), and she also appears in a supporting role in The Postman Always Rings Twice (1946). Less well known than these other pictures i read more

Check and Mate: Sexual Tension and Thomas Crown Affair (1968)
Reel Distracted Posted by Paul on Jun 21, 2015
Check and Mate: Sexual Tension and Thomas Crown Affair (1968)
“Do you play?”“Try me.” This post is part of the SEX! (Now that I have your attention) Blogathon read more

Warner Archive: HUAC Tension in Guilty by Suspicion (1991)
Classic Movies Posted by KC on Jun 9, 2015
The communist witch hunt of the House Un-American Activities Committee, and the resulting blacklisting of several Hollywood talents, is one of the darkest episodes of the studio age. It destroyed careers, friendships and families, and created an atmosphere of fear and mistrust.
Guilty by Susp read more

Tension (1949)
Flickers in Time Posted by Beatrice on Jul 22, 2014
Directed by John Berry
Written by Allen Rivkin based on the story by John D. Klorer
First viewing/Film Noir Classics Vol. 4 DVD This is a nice little story with a good performance by noir queen Audrey Totter as the femme fatale. Lt. Collier Bonnibel (Barry Sulliv read more

Tension (1949)
Journeys in Classic Film Posted by on Apr 2, 2013
I’m finding myself in a film noir groove between this and my reviews of The House on 92nd Street and The Narrow Margin. Tension doesn’t set out to espouse grand themes as in House; if anything, I’d consider it in the vein of The Narrow Margin with its B-movie plot and cast. Despi read more

Classic Films in Focus: TENSION (1949)
Virtual Virago Posted by Jennifer Garlen on Feb 8, 2013
Noir films like The Maltese Falcon (1941) and Double Indemnity (1944) hover at the very top of our culture's cinematic consciousness, but many of the B movies that helped to define classic noir style have not fared as well. Directed by John Berry, Tension (1949) is a more obscure example of noir, bu read more

Classic Films in Focus: TENSION (1949)
Virtual Virago Posted by Jennifer Garlen on Feb 8, 2013
Noir films like The Maltese Falcon (1941) and Double Indemnity (1944) hover at the very top of our culture's cinematic consciousness, but many of the B movies that helped to define classic noir style have not fared as well. Directed by John Berry, Tension (1949) is a more obscure example of noir, bu read more

Classic Films in Focus: TENSION (1949)
Virtual Virago Posted by Jennifer Garlen on Feb 8, 2013
Noir films like The Maltese Falcon (1941) and Double Indemnity (1944) hover at the very top of our culture's cinematic consciousness, but many of the B movies that helped to define classic noir style have not fared as well. Directed by John Berry, Tension (1949) is a more obscure example of noir, bu read more

Tensão (1949) / Tension (1949)
Critica Retro Posted by Lê on Nov 30, -0001
Tensão (1949) / Tension (1949) Tensão é a arma secreta de um investigador do departamentos de homicídios chamado Collier Bonnabel (Barry Sullivan). Afinal, é a física: se você tencionar demais algo ou alguém, ele / ela se romperá – e confessará o crime. Você já deve saber disso: read more