Zero Mostel Overview:

Legendary actor, Zero Mostel, was born Samuel Joel Mostel on Feb 28, 1915 in Brooklyn, NY. Mostel died at the age of 62 on Sep 8, 1977 in Philadelphia, PA .


Dark-haired, roly-poly American comic actor with football-shaped face. At first seen in serious roles as swarthy, sweaty, ethnic types, this part of his career was halted by blacklisting at the hands of the Un-American Activities Committee in 1951. After a long sojourn performing on Broadway and in nightclubs and building a reputation as a painter, he returned as a leading comic character actor, firing on all cylinders if you liked that sort of thing. Died from cardiac arrest. Actor Josh Mostel (1946-) is his son.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Stars).



Mostel was never nominated for an Academy Award.

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Zero Mostel Quotes:

Pseudolus: Wait!
Hero: Yes?
Pseudolus: A brilliant idea!
Hero: Yes!
Pseudolus: That's what we need, a brilliant idea.

Roger De Bris: Ah, Bialystock and Bloom, I presume! Heh heh, forgive the pun!
Leo Bloom: [to Max] What pun?
Max Bialystock: Shut up, he thinks he's witty.

Max Bialystock: Bloom, I'm drowning. Other men sail through life, Bialystock has struck a reef. Bloom, I'm going under. I'm condemned by a society that demands success when all I can offer is failure. Bloom, I'm reaching out to you. Don't send me to prison... HEEELLP!

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Zero Mostel Facts
He drank so much coffee that he was once hospitalized for caffeine poisoning.

Nathan Lane starred on Broadway, and in the 2005 movie, as Max Bialystock in The Producers (2005) and on Broadway as Pseudolus in "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum". Zero Mostel played both characters in the earlier film versions.

One of the "12" blacklisted by the house of Un-American activities commitee in the 1950s.

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