Tim McCoy Overview:

Actor, Tim McCoy, was born Timothy John Fitzgerald McCoy on Apr 10, 1891 in Saginaw, MI. McCoy died at the age of 86 on Jan 29, 1978 in Nogales, AZ .



He was honored with one star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in the category of Motion Pictures.

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Tim McCoy Quotes:

Tim Ross: You can call me Missouri.
Doc Shaw: Oh, Missouri! Well, that's my home state. What part are you from?
Tim Ross: If you're from Missouri , you don't have to ask any questions about it.

Tex Weaver: Tim, my boy, I'm afraid you're in this up to your neck.
Tim Ross: Worse than that, I'm in over my head!

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Tim McCoy Facts
Rode several horses with different names during his long career. In his earlier films he rode a snow-white horse named "Pal". In the "Rough Riders" series he mounted a black stallion called "Baron" and (later) "Ace".

During World War I, he served as an artillery officer in the US Army in France.

Hosted local TV (Los Angeles) with "The Tim McCoy Show" (1952) for children on weekday afternoons and Saturdays in which he provided authentic history lessons on the Old West. He won a local Emmy but wasn't there to pick it up. He was competing against "Webster Webfoot" in the "Best Children's Show" category and refused to show up saying, "I'll be damned if I'm going to sit there and get beaten by a talking duck!"

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