Stanley Holloway Overview:

Actor, Stanley Holloway, was born Stanley Augustus Holloway on Oct 1, 1890 in Manor Park, London. Holloway died at the age of 91 on Jan 30, 1982 in Littlehampton, UK and was laid to rest in St Mary the Virgin Churchyard Cemetery in East Preston, West Sussex, England.



Although Holloway was nominated for one Oscar, he never won a competitive Academy Award.

Academy Awards

YearAwardFilm nameRoleResult
1964Best Supporting ActorMy Fair Lady (1964)Alfred P. DoolittleNominated

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Stanley Holloway Quotes:

Pvt. Ted Brewer: Only one good man ever got into Parliament.
Pvt. Herbert Davenport: Oh really? Who?
Pvt. Ted Brewer: Bleedin' Guy Fawkes.

Col. Gregory: Sir, I can't put up all of my men unless we get at least five more transports.
Rear Admiral Rock Torrey: Well, aren't there any more R4D's on Tulabonne?
Col. Gregory: Yes, but they're held in reserve.
Captain Paul Eddington: Reserve! What... for?
Col. Gregory: That's the way Admiral Broderick has things organized.
Captain Paul Eddington: What happens if an R4D conks out?
Col. Gregory: Tulabonne sends us a spare until we get it fixed.
Captain Paul Eddington: Five of 'em just conked out, Gregg.
Commander Egan Powell: Let's relay the sad news to Broderick!
Rear Admiral Rock Torrey: Mr. Canfil, you seem to have fallen in among thieves!
Clayton Canfil, Australian Coastwatcher: It does seem so, Admiral, I'm very happy to say!

Colonel Hugh Pickering: I'll have you know, Doolittle, that Mr. Higgins' intentions are entirely honorable!
Alfred P. Doolittle: Oh, 'course they are, guv'nor. If I thought they wasn't, I'd ask fifty.
Professor Henry Higgins: [shocked] You mean to say you'd sell your daughter for fifty pounds?
Colonel Hugh Pickering: Have you NO morals, man?
Alfred P. Doolittle: Nah. Nah, can't afford 'em, guv'nor. Neither could you, if you was as poor as me.

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Stanley Holloway Facts
Made his New York debut as Bottom in 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' as a member of the Royal Shakespeare Company at the Metropolitan Opera House in 1954.

After World War I he served in Ireland for a few months as one of the hastily-recruited British trench veterans as Royal Irish Constabulary "Temporary Constables", better known as the "Black and Tans".

In My Fair Lady (1964), he was the only member of the main cast to do his own singing. Rex Harrison and Wilfrid Hyde-White talked their way through their songs, while Audrey Hepburn and Jeremy Brett were dubbed.

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