Roy Kinnear Overview:

Character actor, Roy Kinnear, was born Roy Mitchell Kinnear on Jan 8, 1934 in Wigan, England. Kinnear died at the age of 54 on Sep 20, 1988 in Madrid, Spain and was laid to rest in East Sheen and Richmond Cemeteries Cemetery in Richmond, Greater London, England.


British comic character and television satirist, from the Theatre Workshop. Although his performances seemed rather unvarying, his timing was under-valued and, with the right director, he could be consistently funny. Several of his TV series, too, were considerable personal successes. Married to former actress Carmel Cryan, he died following a fall from a horse while filming The Return of the Musketeers.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Character Actors: an Illustrated Directory).



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Roy Kinnear Quotes:

Algernon: [about Professor Foot] It's more than my job's worth to stop him when he's like this. He's out to rule the world... if he can get a government grant.

Algernon: [fumbling with wires and plugs] I'm better with animals than plugs and transistors... they trust me!... I should've gone into vivisection.

Professor Foot: Voltage, VOLTAGE! Up up. Up up
Paul: Up, up.
John: Up
Ringo: Are you sure I'm earthed?
Algernon: Oh no! Er, hold on, thank you.

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Roy Kinnear Facts
Did a great deal of charity work for handicapped and disabled children, after his daughter Karina was born with Cerebal Palsy.

While filming The Return of the Musketeers (1989), he fell from a horse, breaking his pelvis. Tragically, he subsequently bled to death.

He appeared in the music video, "All I Need Is A Miracle", by Mike + The Mechanics.

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