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Adventures of Don Juan

Adventures of Don Juan (1948)

The Adventures of Quentin Durward

The Adventures of Quentin Durw... (1955)

The Adventures of Robin Hood

The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938)

Angelica and the King

Angelica and the King (1965)

The Bandit of Sherwood Forest

The Bandit of Sherwood Forest (1946)

The Bandits of Corsica

The Bandits of Corsica (1953)

The Beloved Rogue

The Beloved Rogue (1927)

The Black Pirate

The Black Pirate (1926)

The Black Swan

The Black Swan (1942)

The Bold Caballero

The Bold Caballero (1936)

Botany Bay

Botany Bay (1953)

Captain Blood

Captain Blood (1935)

Captain Fracasse

Captain Fracasse (1929)

Captain Kidd

Captain Kidd (1945)

Captain Kidd and the Slave Girl

Captain Kidd and the Slave Gir... (1954)

Captain Pirate

Captain Pirate (1952)


Caribbean (1952)


Cartouche (1962)

The Corsican Brothers

The Corsican Brothers (1941)

The Count of Monte Cristo

The Count of Monte Cristo (1934)

The Court Jester

The Court Jester (1956)

Crossed Swords

Crossed Swords (1977)

Cyrano de Bergerac

Cyrano de Bergerac (1950)

Don Ricardo Returns

Don Ricardo Returns (1946)

The Exile

The Exile (1947)