Ronnie Barker Overview:

Character actor, Ronnie Barker, was born Ronald William George Barker on Sep 25, 1929 in Bedford, . Barker died at the age of 76 on Oct 3, 2005 in Adderbury, England .



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Ronnie Barker Facts
Mr. Barker's funeral was held in the leafy surroundings of Banbury Crematorium in Oxfordshire where his body was taken in a Volvo hearse. Banbury is just a few miles from his home village of Dean near Chipping Norton where he operated an antique shop the last few years of his life.

His first job was that of a stage hand at The Oxford Playhouse, Oxford, UK. At that time the theatre was a rep and one night Ronnie was thrust on stage to cover for someone - the rest, as they say, is history. Although considered a comic actor he has portrayed a vast array of characters - especially on the stage - and was considered one of Britain's finest character actors.

He was awarded the OBE (Officer of the Order of the British Empire) in the 1978 Queen's Honours List for his services to drama.

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