Robert Redford Overview:

Actor, Robert Redford, was born Charles Robert Redford Jr. on Aug 18, 1936 in Santa Monica, CA. As of December 2024, Robert Redford was 88 years old.



Robert Redford was nominated for three Academy Awards, winning one for Best Director for Ordinary People in 1980.

Academy Awards

YearAwardFilm nameRoleResult
1973Best ActorThe Sting (1973)Johnny HookerNominated
1980Best DirectorOrdinary People (1980)N/AWon
1994Best DirectorQuiz Show (1994)N/ANominated

Robert Redford BlogHub Articles:

The Style Essentials--Mia Farrow and Robert Redford in 1974's THE GREAT GATSBY

on Mar 7, 2018 From GlamAmor

Since I recently gave a talk on the most influential costume design of the 1920s at Hollywood's Egyptian Theatre, and I'm gearing up to do my next talk on the 1930s on March 17, I can't help be in an Art Deco frame of mind. I regularly discuss the impact of iconic costume design on fashion, but I al... Read full article

Ordinary People (1980, Robert Redford)

By Andrew Wickliffe on Apr 25, 2016 From The Stop Button

Two really big things to talk about with Ordinary People. The technical filmmaking–John Bailey’s beautiful, muted photography, Jeff Kanew’s actually peerless editing, Redford’s direction in general–and then Timothy Hutton’s performance, his place in the film, Redf... Read full article

TCM Star of the Month for January: Robert Redford

By minooallen on Jan 5, 2015 From Classic Movie Hub Blog

Turner Classic Movies’ January Star of the Month: Robert Redford As I?m sure many of our readers know, every month Turner Classic Movies dedicates their Tuesday night primetime line-up to a certain star of the classical era. This month, however, the programmers at TCM decided to shake things u... Read full article

Robert Redford is “The Natural” at The Film Experience

By Anne Marie on Aug 22, 2013 From We Recycle Movies

Hey there, Recyclers! As part of the countdown to Robert Redford’s return to cinema (at least in front of the camera), The Film Experience is doing a series on our favorite fair-haired American legend. I contributed an article on my second or third favorite baseball movie, The Natural, yesterd... Read full article

Dupla Din?mica: Sydney Pollack e Robert Redford

By L? on Jul 17, 2013 From Critica Retro

Dupla Din?mica: Sydney Pollack e Robert Redford Algumas parcerias entre ator e diretor s?o mais famosas que os pr?prios filmes que delas surgiram. ? quase imposs?vel n?o cit?-los juntos: Lillian Gish e D. W. Griffith, Leonardo Di Caprio e Martin Scorsese, Toshiro Mifune e Akira Kurosawa. Outr... Read full article

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Robert Redford Quotes:

Injured Poolroom Patron: That damned redskin tried to kill me! What kind of town is this? That's my blood. He tried to kill me!
Deputy Sheriff Christopher 'Coop' Cooper: If he tried, you'd be dead.

Wade Lewis: For we wrestle not with flesh and blood, but against powers of this world. But... but don't worry, here we meet, in this castle of lost souls. In the land of the black Swan, the Prince of Darkness. Welcome little captive, to the waterfall of sweet dreams. Malora says it washes all our cares away, but I... I need stronger stuff.

Judge Benby: I think you send that man home, Sheriff.
Deputy Sheriff Christopher 'Coop' Cooper: You're not mayor yet, Judge. You're just runnin' - the same as Willie.

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Robert Redford Facts
1960: He spent his last $500 on two acres of land in Utah, an investment that would ultimately grow to 5,000 acres becoming home to his Sundance Institute. Founded by Redford in 1969, Sundance is located at the base of Utah's picturesque Mt. Timpanogos.

During his senior year at Van Nuys High School, he met 15-year old sophomore Natalie Wood, who was already a star. Later in life, they starred together in Inside Daisy Clover (1965) and This Property Is Condemned (1966) and became good friends.

Has appeared in seven movies dealing with adultery in some form or another: The Way We Were (1973), The Great Gatsby (1974), Out of Africa (1985), Havana (1990/I), Indecent Proposal (1993), The Horse Whisperer (1998), and The Clearing (2004).

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