Pierre Watkin Overview:

Actor, Pierre Watkin, was born Pierre Frank Watkin on Dec 29, 1887 in Sioux City, IA. Watkin died at the age of 72 on Feb 3, 1960 in Hollywood, CA .



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Pierre Watkin Quotes:

Franks - Gangster [Chs. 3-4, 7-8, 15]: Do you think we ought to divide with the othrs?
Boss Crogan: Never divide unless you have to.

[last lines]
George Carson, Head Trainer at Milford Farms: Eight thousand dollars and you advised me.
Charles S. Howard, Seabiscuit's Owner: Haven't I heard enough about that in the last five years boss?

[last lines]
Spokesman at Press Conference: You have been called here again to receive further information about the story which you didn't hear last night. I will read you the text of a teleradio message received from the Challenge 142 less than an hour ago: "This is Eric Royce talking. Of the 19 men and women who have set foot upon the planet Mars, six will return. There's no longer a question of murder but of an alien, an elemental life force, a planet so cruel, so hostile, that Man may find it necessary to bypass it in his endeavor to explore and understand the universe. Another name for Mars is Death."

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