Paul Birch Overview:

Character actor, Paul Birch, was born Paul Smith on Jan 13, 1912 in Atmore, AL. Birch died at the age of 57 on May 24, 1969 in St. George, Grenada .


Fair-haired American actor, a sort of strait-laced version of Jay C. Flippen. Almost entirely a Broadway actor until the 1950s, he was kept in routine rugged character roles when he did go to Hollywood - sheriffs, attorneys, and the like - apart from two fine performances much treasured by fantasy film fans in the leading roles of The Beast with 1,000,000 Eyes and Not of This Earth, both from the Roger Corman stable.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Character Actors: an Illustrated Directory).



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Paul Birch Quotes:

Jim Maddison: Rick, if there's no way out, use that gun on Louise.

Jim Maddison: [finding a human skeleton] Radek ate him!

Prof. Konrad: Perhaps this is a civilization that exists without sex.
Lt. Larry Turner: You call that civilization?
Prof. Konrad: Frankly, no.

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Paul Birch Fact
Grandfather of Ned Luke, who along with brother Steve Luke own The Varsity Room Restaurant in Danville, Illinois where a third brother, "B J", is the Danville High School athletic director.

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