Mercedes McCambridge Overview:

Legendary actress, Mercedes McCambridge, was born Carlotta Mercedes Agnes McCambridge on Mar 16, 1916 in Joliet, IL. McCambridge died at the age of 88 on Mar 2, 2004 in La Jolla, CA and was cremated and her ashes scattered at sea.



Mercedes McCambridge was nominated for two Academy Awards, winning one for Best Supporting Actress for All the King's Men (as Sadie Burke) in 1949.

Academy Awards

YearAwardFilm nameRoleResult
1949Best Supporting ActressAll the King's Men (1949)Sadie BurkeWon
1956Best Supporting ActressGiant (1956)Luz BenedictNominated

She was honored with two stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in the categories of Motion Pictures and Television.

Mercedes McCambridge BlogHub Articles:

Roubando a cena: Walter Brennan e Mercedes McCambridge

By L? on Sep 21, 2012 From Critica Retro

Roubando a cena: Walter Brennan e Mercedes McCambridge Alguns personagens realmente chamam toda a aten??o para si quando aparecem na tela. O caso mais memor?vel para mim ? de Madame De Farge em “A Queda da Bastilha / A Tale of Two Cities” (1935) que, histericamente, pede que todos ... Read full article

Roubando a cena: Walter Brennan e Mercedes McCambridge

By L? on Sep 21, 2012 From Critica Retro

Roubando a cena: Walter Brennan e Mercedes McCambridge Alguns personagens realmente chamam toda a aten??o para si quando aparecem na tela. O caso mais memor?vel para mim ? de Madame De Farge em “A Queda da Bastilha / A Tale of Two Cities” (1935) que, histericamente, pede que todos ... Read full article

Roubando a cena: Walter Brennan e Mercedes McCambridge

By L? on Nov 30, -0001 From Critica Retro

Roubando a cena: Walter Brennan e Mercedes McCambridge Alguns personagens realmente chamam toda a aten??o para si quando aparecem na tela. O caso mais memor?vel para mim ? de Madame De Farge em “A Queda da Bastilha / A Tale of Two Cities” (1935) que, histericamente, pede que todos ... Read full article

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Mercedes McCambridge Quotes:

Sadie Burke: He'll ditch everybody in the whole world, because that's what Willie wants. Nobody in the world but him!

Emma: You all think she's some fine lady and that doing nothing makes you fine gentlemen. Well she ain't! And you're not!

Emma: [Passionately addressing the members of the posse] You heard her tell how they're gonna' run the railroad through here, bringin' thousands of new people from the east. Farmers! Dirt farmers! Squatters! They'll push us out. Is that what you're waitin' for? You're actin' like she's some fine lady, and doin' nothin' makes all of you fine gentlemen. Well, she ain't, and you're not! So you better wake up. Or you're gonna' find you and your women and your kids squeezed between barbed wire and fence posts. Is that what you're waitin' for? Well, I'm not!

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Best Supporting Actress Oscar 1949

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Mercedes McCambridge on the
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Mercedes McCambridge Facts
Of Irish Catholic extraction, and educated at Catholic schools.

Profiled in "Killer Tomatoes: Fifteen Tough Film Dames" bu Ray Hagen and Laura Wagner (McFarland, 2004).

She was originally not credited for her voice work on The Exorcist (1973) after director William Friedkin assured her that she would be. An appeal by her to the Screen Actors Guild rectified this matter, and a new print of the film was made with her name in the credits.

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