Job Actress, film producer, screenwriter, philanthropist
Years active 1917-1937
Top Roles Congregation Member, Sylvia Bruce, Margaret 'Peg' O'Connell, Fely / Anne, Loretta Dalrymple, aka Miss Dawn Glory
Top GenresComedy, Romance, Drama, Silent Films, Musical, Historical
Top TopicsRomance (Comic), Mistaken Identity, Show Business
Top Collaborators (Director), (Director), (Producer),
Shares birthday with Ray Milland, Anna May Wong, ZaSu Pitts  see more..

Marion Davies Overview:

Legendary actress, Marion Davies, was born Marion Cecelia Douras on Jan 3, 1897 in Brooklyn, NY. Davies died at the age of 64 on Sep 22, 1961 in Hollywood, CA and was laid to rest in Hollywood Forever Cemetery in Hollywood, CA.


Bright, chirpy, round-faced Hollywood blonde whose talent for comedy went largely unappreciated in its day because she was the mistress of newspaper magnate William Randolph Hearst whose money kept her in leading roles for 20 years. Nowadays critical opinion, looking objectively at Marion's career, seems to be that the fun-loving girl with the delightful stutter would probably have done very nicely without her protector. Died of cancer.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Stars).



She was honored with one star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in the category of Motion Pictures. Marion Davies's handprints and footprints were 'set in stone' at Grauman's Chinese Theater during imprint ceremony #13 on May 13, 1929. Davies was never nominated for an Academy Award.

BlogHub Articles:

Book Review : ‘Captain of Her Soul: The Life of ’ by Lara Gabrielle

By Virginie Pronovost on Dec 14, 2022 From The Wonderful World of Cinema

Whenever I’m travelling, I enjoy the fact that I can visit and discover the wonders of whatever chosen destination and finally be able to take that time of the year to read a book. I used to be a much more avid reader when I was younger. Many factors, such as a passion for films, blog and maga... Read full article

Show People (1928): Laughs

By 4 Star Film Fan on May 27, 2022 From 4 Star Films

Some might recall one of the reasons given for Citizen Kane not actually being based on William Randolph Hearst is Welles’s assertion that was no washed-up actress being propped up by her influential husband. In fact, it’s easy to imagine Hearst being more like a Howard Hug... Read full article

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Silents are Golden: Silent Superstars ? The Sparkling One of the most well-known actresses of the 1920s screen, is one of the few silent stars whose personal life was not only inseperable from her career, but in more recent decades tended to overshadow it. But nowadays... Read full article

CAPTAIN OF HER SOUL: The Life of . UC Press, 2022

By Lara on Sep 29, 2020 From Backlots

In November of 2013, I took a trip to the Margaret Herrick Library for the first time, in search of material on for a prospective book. The form the book would take, if any at all, was unknown. But I was determined to start the process, and despite the fact none of the names encountere... Read full article

’ 121st birthday

By Lara on Jan 3, 2018 From Backlots

was born on this date in 1897. She and her nephew, the screenwriter Charles Lederer, always celebrated their birthdays together on New Year’s Day (Lederer was born on December 31), but January 3 was the actual date of her birth. January of 1897 is one of the warmest Januarys on r... Read full article

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Marion Davies Quotes:

Bertram 'Berry' Rhodes: What kind of woman are you to make a man forget his fiancée?
Jennifer Rarick: What kind of man are you to make a woman forget a man's fiancée?

Loretta Dalrymple, aka Miss Dawn Glory: [Last Lines]
[said while the plane they are in is doing loops]
Loretta Dalrymple, aka Miss Dawn Glory: Now, loop me, Bingo!
Bingo Nelson: Hold on, honey.
Loretta Dalrymple, aka Miss Dawn Glory: Ooh! I've found my dream man and I've never been so h-h-happy in all my life.

Captain Jack Gailliard C.S.A.: You know, Lucille, some day that snoopy little nose of yours is gonna lead you right into trouble.
Gail Loveless: No, sir, but if it do, these feet of mine are gonna get me right out.

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Marion Davies Facts
She was famous for doing dead-on impersonations of celebrities at parties. At least three impersonations made it into The Patsy (1928).

Is portrayed by Kirsten Dunst in The Cat's Meow (2001), by Melanie Griffith in RKO 281 (1999) (TV), by Virginia Madsen in The Hearst and Davies Affair (1985) (TV) and by Heather McNair in Chaplin (1992)

In 1993, the family of Patricia van Cleve (wife of actor Arthur Lake) revealed, upon her death, that she was actually the child of Marion and William Randolph Hearst. Van Cleve had been raised by Davies' sister Rose and had always been introduced as her niece and Lake as her nephew.

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