Lester Matthews Overview:

Character actor, Lester Matthews, was born on Jun 6, 1900 in Nottingham, England. Matthews died at the age of 75 on Jun 6, 1975 in Los Angeles, CA .


Tall, dark British actor with receding hairline, slightly stooping gait, dashing moustache, and faintly bad-tempered countenance. These attributes combined to have him case as double-shaded characters in his days (1931-1934) as a popular leading man of early British sound films, before he went to Hollywood with his then-wife, actress Anne Grey. Here there were a couple of minor leads, but he always looked a little more than his real age, and soon buckled down to dozens of character parts, largely as military men or villains.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Character Actors: an Illustrated Directory).



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Lester Matthews Quotes:

Harlan Chambers: Looks to me as if Big Eagle is showing his defiance. He knows the dispensing of justice belongs to the mounted police.
Supt. Andrew Standing: I'll bring it up when he comes to sign the peace treaty.
Harlan Chambers: If it's ever signed.
Supt. Andrew Standing: Chambers, if I should decide to send Vicky home, could you do anything for me in way of transportation?
Harlan Chambers: Why, I certainly could, sir.

Vicky Standing: With all this attention, I'm beginning to appreciate the advantages of being a pioneer woman.
Harlan Chambers: It's fun while it lasts, Vicky, but you won't like it once the going gets rough.

Vicky Standing: Anything serious, Dad?
Harlan Chambers: Just a little Indian trouble at my camp.
Supt. Andrew Standing: Nothing for you to worry about.
Harlan Chambers: This is hardly the best time for you to have come out here, Vicky, but I can't tell you how glad I am to see you.
Vicky Standing: Don't tell me I leave you speechless, Harlan.
Harlan Chambers: You always did.

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