George Macready Overview:

Character actor, George Macready, was born George Peabody Macready Jr. on Aug 29, 1899 in Providence, RI. Macready died at the age of 73 on Jul 2, 1973 in Los Angeles, CA .


George Macready was noted as one of America's most distinctive villains -- a blond, blue-eyed death's head of a man with an aristocratic sneer on the upper lip. Macready created a whole range of polished, distinguished nasties and scoundrels, nearly all with a civilized veneer (1946, Gilda, 1964, Dead Ringer). He died from emphysema just after retirement.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Illustrated Dictionary of Film Character Actors).



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George Macready Quotes:

Morgan Vallin: Hello, Glenda.
Glenda Chapman: Morgan.
Morgan Vallin: Welcome home.
[For the first time, he sees there's another man in the room]
Glenda Chapman: Morgan, this is...
Morgan Vallin: How chummy! You brought a friend with you. How hospitable.
Glenda Chapman: I was just going to explain that.
Morgan Vallin: Why trouble to explain? It's so touchingly natural.
Glenda Chapman: This is Johnny Allegro.
Morgan Vallin: You actually know his name! I'm Morgan Vallin. Always glad to meet any of Glenda's friends, though she doesn't usually bring them with her.
Glenda Chapman: I had to bring him here, Morgan. He killed a detective for me so I could get here.
Morgan Vallin: How adventurous! How romantic!
Glenda Chapman: Morgan, don't be foolish.
Morgan Vallin: Forgive me, Johnny whatever your name is. I want to thank you for any assistance you may have given my little wife.
Johnny Allegro: Wife?
Morgan Vallin: She forgot to tell you, of course. She usually does. Or were you afraid he might not have come here with you?
Glenda Chapman: I told you why I brought him here. He had no other getaway. This is Johnny Rock. They want him for escaping a stretch at Sing Sing.
Morgan Vallin: And what have you told him?
Glenda Chapman: Nothing. He doesn't even know where he is.
Morgan Vallin: And how did that minute mind of yours conclude that anyone could be of service to me with his pictures in all the papers, with a number across the front of them?
Johnny Allegro: They took those a long time ago. I've changed a lot since then.
Morgan Vallin: But your type never changes. Just looking at you makes one think of alley fighting, tommy guns.
Johnny Allegro: Is that bad?
Morgan Vallin: It's not for me. You see all this?
[He gestures around the room at the paintings, sculptures, and mounted animal heads]
Johnny Allegro: Nice museum.
Morgan Vallin: You would call it that. But it's my library, my concert hall, my trophy room. Here I have the best the world has to offer, and I don't intend to let anything jeopardize it. I can permit only people around me of whose methods I am sure.

Julia Ross: What do you want?
Ralph Hughes: That's not a very friendly way for a wife to greet her husband.
Julia Ross: Wife!
Ralph Hughes: Please don't be afraid of me. For awhile today, I thought we were going to be friends, the way we used to be.
Julia Ross: Why don't you stop this farce?
Ralph Hughes: It's not a farce. I've always loved you, Marion. Or would it make any difference if I called you Julia?
Julia Ross: Get out of here! Stop it!
[She calls for the maid]
Julia Ross: Alice!
[Ralph kisses her roughly. She slaps him and screams for the maid again as Ralph furiously tries to push her out of the window. The maid enters the room suddenly, and Ralph realizes he must cover up his murderous intentions]
Ralph Hughes: Marion, how could you do such a thing?
[Then he speaks to the maid]
Ralph Hughes: Mrs. Hughes tried to throw herself out of the window! Get my mother. Hurry! And then get someone from the village to come up here and put some bars on these windows! It isn't safe to leave my wife alone any longer!

Jafar: 'Tis said that marriage calms the tempestuous nature. He who now watches over her as his charge would cherish her as his wife. Granted my son is not gifted in speech or manners, but he is of noble birth and as a warrior, second to none.

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George Macready Facts
When Orson Welles married in 1934, he was wearing a cutaway coat and pants that he had borrowed from Macready. Orson's mother-in-law wanted him to dress formally for the occasion, but he owned nothing appropriate to wear and couldn't afford to purchase formal attire. So, he asked Macready (with whom he had acted on the stage) to help. In Welles' wedding photo, the pants look a little short -- probably because Welles was heavier than Macready and the pants fit him more tightly as a result.

Macready was an avid reader, and he especially enjoyed reading mysteries. In fact, he was known to read a mystery novel while simultaneously listening to a mystery show on the radio.

George had a housekeeper who embroidered the titles of all of George's movies on to an afghan.

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