Gene Barry Overview:

Actor, Gene Barry, was born Eugene Klass on Jun 14, 1919 in New York City, NY. Barry died at the age of 90 on Dec 9, 2009 in Woodland Hills, CA .



He was honored with one star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in the category of Live Performance.

Gene Barry BlogHub Articles:

The War of the Worlds (1953) with Gene Barry

By Greg Orypeck on Jan 8, 2014 From Classic Film Freak

Share This! ?If they?re mortal, they must have mortal weaknesses. They?ll be stopped, somehow.???Gene Barry The original version of The War of the Worlds was a product of the horror/science fiction films of the 1950s following World War II and expressing latent fears of the hydrogen bomb and Russi... Read full article

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Gene Barry Quotes:

Jonathan Clark: People hate because they fear, and they fear anything they don't understand... which is almost everything.

Dr. Ray Flemming: I didn't think you'd be up.
Carol Flemming: Don't bother to undress. You're sleeping in the guest room. I've turned down the bed.
Dr. Ray Flemming: Carol...
Carol Flemming: I think you should know I'm calling my lawyers in the morning.
Dr. Ray Flemming: It's been a long day. Do we have to start on that again?
Carol Flemming: You'll have to indulge me just this one last time, dearie. It's lucky for you I'm too well-bred to throw a tantrum.
Dr. Ray Flemming: All right. Fire away.

Dr. James: If you're interested in Martian blood, you can get all you want right after the plane drops the bomb.

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Gene Barry Facts
Father of director Michael Barry and Frederick Barry.

Formed Barry Films in the early 1970s when his son Michael Barry served as writer/director of the feature The Second Coming of Suzanne (1974) in which Gene appeared.

Met his wife, Betty Barry (her stage name was Julie Carson) during rehearsals of the 1944 Broadway show "Catherine Was Great". Betty was fired before opening night because she was a blonde and Mae West, the star, would not have competing blondes in her show. Betty had disguised her hair color with a dark black wig. Gene and Betty married later that year and lived a long happy life together until her death in 2003.

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