Ernie Kovacs Overview:

Actor, Ernie Kovacs, was born Ernest Edward Kovacs on Jan 23, 1919 in Trenton, NJ. Kovacs died at the age of 43 on Jan 13, 1962 in Beverly Hills, CA .



He was honored with one star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in the category of Television. In addition, Kovacs was inducted into the TV Hall of Fame .

Ernie Kovacs BlogHub Articles:

Happy Birthday to the whole crowd, born on January 23rd! Randolph Scott; Franklin Pangborn; Sergei M. Eisenstein; Bob Steele; Irene Sharaff; Ernie Kovacs; Jeanne Moreau and Sonny Chiba

By C. S. Williams on Jan 23, 2014 From Classic Film Aficionados

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Happy Birthday to the whole crowd, born on January 23rd! Randolph Scott; Franklin Pangborn; Sergei M. Eisenstein; Bob Steele; Irene Sharaff; Ernie Kovacs; Jeanne Moreau and Sonny Chiba (1)

By C. S. Williams on Jan 23, 2014 From Classic Film Aficionados

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Ernie Kovacs Quotes:

Capt. Charlie Stark: There's a lot of things wrong with me, and one of them is I'm love with ya! I was even crazy enough to wanna marry ya.
Lt. Nora McKay: Oh, I can see it now - it'd be a beautiful ceremony, in a vine-covered church with you parachuting through the roof.
Capt. Charlie Stark: Look, don't worry how I get there; you just run your end of the store. All you have to do is sit around looking pretty, rack up a few babies, and keep some cold cans of beer in the icebox.

Capt. Segura: Some people expect to be tortured, others are outraged by it.

Lt. Nora McKay: Marriage is out.
Capt. Charlie Stark: What's so out about it?
Lt. Nora McKay: You're a sky tramp.
Capt. Charlie Stark: No, but that's all over! I'm gonna stick in this Air Force.
Lt. Nora McKay: Well, "stick" is the right word! Why do you think you're still a captain?
Capt. Charlie Stark: I guess I just can't get any generals to die.
Lt. Nora McKay: Oh, it's because you're irresponsible and they know it. Like that time in Washington - they want officers, not jockeys!
Capt. Charlie Stark: Great. Once in my life I buzz a little building. How'd I know it was the Supreme Court?
Lt. Nora McKay: Well, if you had any sense, you'd stop buzzing around in airplanes. You'd take a desk job.
Capt. Charlie Stark: I don't think I could learn to fly a desk.

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Ernie Kovacs Facts
Was chosen originally to play the character of Melville Crump in It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World (1963), but he died in a one-car accident before principal shooting. In real life he was married to Edie Adams, who played Melville Crump's newlywed wife, Monica Crump, in the movie. The role of Melville Crump was finally played by Sid Caesar.

The car in which he was killed was a new 1962 Chevrolet Corvair.

Married Edie Adams in Mexico City. The ceremony was presided over by former New York City mayor William O'Dwyer, and performed in Spanish, which neither Kovacs or Adams understood; O'Dwyer had to prompt each to say "Si" at the "I do" portion of the vows.

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Television Hall of Fame

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