Edward Brophy Overview:

Character actor, Edward Brophy, was born on Feb 27, 1895 in New York City, NY. Brophy died at the age of 65 on May 27, 1960 in Pacific Palisades, CA .

Edward Brophy was heavy-set, round faced American actor know for his aggressive supporting roles. His 'speak-first think-later' roles included several thick detectives who embarrassed their superiors, as well as a bizarre collection of valets, blustering politicians and cheap chisellers. He is best remembered for his roles in films like The Thin Man, Freaks, and The Falcon series. 

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Illustrated Dictionary of Film Character Actors).



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Edward Brophy Quotes:

Timothy Q. Mouse: [as Dumbo drinks the water with the clowns' champagne] Listen, little fella: we may have had a lot of hard luck up till now, but you and me'll do big things together. Hold your breath.
[Dumbo holds his breath, holding the water]
Timothy Q. Mouse: Why, your mother'll be so proud of ya, I'll be proud of you, too. The whole coicus'll be proud of ya. Now, whaddaya think of that? Swallow it.
[Dumbo gulps the water down]
Timothy Q. Mouse: Ha-ha, they won't keep us down.
[Dumbo hiccups several bubbles, then lazily falls back, blowing one bubble, but soon rises again]
Timothy Q. Mouse: Oh, I guess you had a little one left over. Dumbo, we'll bounce back so hard...
[Dumbo hiccups more bubbles]
Timothy Q. Mouse: Hey, whatsa matter with ya?
[Dumbo snorts more bubbles, which turns Timothy suspicious]
Timothy Q. Mouse: What kinda water is this, anyhow?
[he leans over the bucket rim to check out the water's condition, but soon falls in headfirst]

Detective Grimes: [Helen Reed faints after being kissed by the Falcon] Boy, oh Boy, she sure stayed kissed, what a guy!

Timothy Q. Mouse: [while watching the other elephants construct their pyramid, after a near-fall with one of them] Whew! That was a close one! They're almost ready now, Dumbo. Don't forget to wave that flag.
[Dumbo waves his flag briefly]
Timothy Q. Mouse: Okay, okay, don't wave it no more, I saw ya. Now look, all you'll hafta do is run out, see? And jump on the springboard.
[Dumbo backs up to the back of the waiting tent]
Timothy Q. Mouse: All right, now show me just how you'll do it.
[Dumbo runs forward briskly]
Timothy Q. Mouse: That's it! Attaboy! That's the stuff! C'mon!
[Dumbo trips on his ears and tumbles head over heels]
Timothy Q. Mouse: Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-Dumbo! Oh, those ears! We'd better do somethin', quick!

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Edward Brophy Facts
Bald, raspy-voiced, cigar chewing, diminutive Hollywood character actor who specialized in playing gangsters, both in a comic or serious variety, at his peak during the 1930s and 1940s.

He was the voice (uncredited) of Timothy Q. Mouse in Dumbo (1941).

Buried at Santa Monica's Woodlawn Cemetery.

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