Dub Taylor Overview:

Actor, Dub Taylor, was born Walter Clarence Taylor II on Feb 26, 1907 in Richmond, VA. Taylor died at the age of 87 on Oct 3, 1994 in Los Angeles, CA .



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Dub Taylor Quotes:

Fred: Life is just a bowl of cherries
Tony Manetta: Why
Fred: I don't know. I ain't a philosopher!

[first lines]
[indistinct voices]
Rev. Wainscoat: Do not drink wine or strong drink, thou, nor thy sons with thee, least ye shall die. Look not though upon the wine when it is red, and when it bringeth his color in the cup, when it moveth itself aright at the last, it biteth like a serpent and stingeth like an adder. Now folks, that's from the Good Book, but in this here town it's five cents a glass.

Teet Howie: [after Alison Post comes breezing through in a sport convertable] There goes Little Miss Wildcat, home from school.

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Dub Taylor Facts
His family moved to Augusta, Georgia when he was five.

Dub was on Johnny Carson one night. He played the Xylophone using 3 mallets in each hand. It was a phenomenal performance.

He outlived his grandson Adam C. Taylor by four months.

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