Dub Taylor Overview:

Actor, Dub Taylor, was born Walter Clarence Taylor II on Feb 26, 1907 in Richmond, VA. Taylor died at the age of 87 on Oct 3, 1994 in Los Angeles, CA .



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Dub Taylor Quotes:

Jack Summers: Hey, we're doin' all right!
Nevady: Don't forget - you got the job, but I gave you the reputation.

[On his dream of opening a dress shop]
Pop: Just because I'm rough 'n' dirty 'n' don't wear underwear, doesn't mean I'm not creative.

Lou Trinidad: Civilization is a wonderful thing, ain't it, Doc?
Doc Adams: If they ever got it started it might work.

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Dub Taylor Facts
Older generations will remember Dub as Ivan Moss in "Bonnie And Clyde" (1967).

Once explained that, as a boy, he had been called "W" as a nickname for his first name Walter. That was later shortened to just "Dub."

His family moved to Augusta, Georgia when he was five.

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