Bob Steele Overview:

Character actor, Bob Steele, was born Robert Adrian Bradbury on Jan 23, 1907 in Portland, OR. Steele died at the age of 81 on Dec 21, 1988 in Burbank, CA .


Dark-haired American cowboy star of slight stature but whirlwind acting style. His smile turned so readily to a distinctive scowl that he was soon seen in the occasional double-shaded role, after starting as a teenager in films directed by his father, Robert North Bradbury, a western specialist, and developing into a two-fisted star of "B" westerns and minor action films. As the 1930s ebbed, he won some interesting character roles, such as Curley in Of Mice and Men and Canino in the 1946 version of The Big Sleep, and went over to character acting altogether in post-war years. In some ways, his career pattern was similar to that of Tim Holt, another small-scale cowboy hero, although Steele's role grew very minor as his career drew towards its close. Still thought by some western buffs to have had the fastest draw of all B-movie cowboys.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Character Actors: an Illustrated Directory).



BlogHub Articles:

Happy Birthday to the whole crowd, born on January 23rd! Randolph Scott; Franklin Pangborn; Sergei M. Eisenstein; ; Irene Sharaff; Ernie Kovacs; Jeanne Moreau and Sonny Chiba

By C. S. Williams on Jan 23, 2014 From Classic Film Aficionados

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Happy Birthday to the whole crowd, born on January 23rd! Randolph Scott; Franklin Pangborn; Sergei M. Eisenstein; ; Irene Sharaff; Ernie Kovacs; Jeanne Moreau and Sonny Chiba (1)

By C. S. Williams on Jan 23, 2014 From Classic Film Aficionados

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Bob Steele Quotes:

Dude Rankin: So this is Colton, huh? Wonder where a man can find some excitement.
Jet Cosgrave: You'll get your belly full of excitement. I want all your men at Sam Allen's stable come sun-up tomorrow and I want you all sober.
Dude Rankin: All right. Let's hit all the saloons and dig 'em out.
Jet Cosgrave: No, I got some personal business to do.
Dude Rankin: Yeah? Well, so do I. It starts with some whiskey. And if you're old enough, you what goes on from there.

Lee Jessup: We're getting a posse together. We'll stop him before he gets started!

Sheriff: Let me see your license.
Larry O'Day: License? For what?
Sheriff: What are you peddlin' - snake oil or horse liniment?
Larry O'Day: Neither one. I'm peddlin' sunshine and joy... or trouble. Whatever the customer wants.

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Bob Steele Facts
Educated at Glendale High School, Glendale, California.

Appeared in six movies with his pal John Wayne between 1953 and 1970.

Twin brother of actor Bill Bradbury.

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