Mia Farrow Overview:

Actress, Mia Farrow, was born Maria de Lourdes Villiers-Farrow on Feb 9, 1945 in Los Angeles, CA. As of December 2024, Mia Farrow was 79 years old.



Mia Farrow BlogHub Articles:

Os la?os de fam?lia de Mia Farrow

By L? on Nov 30, -0001 From Critica Retro

Os la?os de fam?lia de Mia Farrow Mia Farrow's family ties Voc? j? ouviu falar dos seis graus de separa??o? Essa teoria diz que qualquer pessoa est? conectada com qualquer outra pessoa na Terra atrav?s de seis liga??es. O mesmo jogo de seis graus pode ser jogado no mundo do cinema –... Read full article

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Mia Farrow Quotes:

Rosemary Woodhouse: Awful things happen in every apartment house.

Cenci: My virginity is the only thing I possess.

Rosemary Woodhouse: Unspeakable... unspeakable!

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Mia Farrow Facts
She and Woody Allen maintained separate residences during their 12 year relationship. Her apartment was half a mile across Central Park from his East Side duplex.

Was one of the bridesmaids when Liza Minnelli married David Gest in a lavish ceremony on March 16, 2002. Farrow and Minnelli have been friends since childhood.

April 2002 - refused to co-operate with request that clips from some of her performances in Woody Allen films could be used for upcoming Turner Classic Movies tribute to the director, her ex-lover since infamous break-up in 1996.

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