Job Actor, director, screenwriter, producer
Years active 1914-1955
Top Roles Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, Lt. Erich von Steuben, Nicki / Prince Nickolas von Wildeliebe, Balloon Vendor, The Great Flamarion
Top GenresDrama, Silent Films, War, Romance, Thriller/Suspense, Comedy
Top TopicsWorld War II, Based on Play, Fame
Top Collaborators (Director), (Director), (Producer),
Shares birthday with Paul Muni, Martha Scott, John Houseman  see more..

Erich von Stroheim Overview:

Legendary actor, Erich von Stroheim, was born Erich Oswald Stroheim on Sep 22, 1885 in Vienna, Austria-Hungary (now Austria). von Stroheim died at the age of 71 on May 12, 1957 in Maurepas, France and was laid to rest in Woodlawn Cemetery in Santa Monica, CA.



Although von Stroheim was nominated for one Oscar, he never won a competitive Academy Award.

Academy Awards

YearAwardFilm nameRoleResult
1950Best Supporting ActorSunset Blvd. (1950)Max Von MayerlingNominated

He was honored with one star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in the category of Motion Pictures.

Erich von Stroheim BlogHub Articles:

More than Max: Erich von Stroheim and Foolish Wives (1922)

By shadowsandsatin on Dec 16, 2023 From Shadows and Satin

If you?re like me, you know Erich von Stroheim best as Max Von Mayerling, the butler (and first husband) of aging silent movie star Norma Desmond (Gloria Swanson) in the classic 1950 noir Sunset Blvd. But there was so much more to von Stroheim than Max. While writing about von Stroheim for the soon-... Read full article

Classic Movie Legend Tribute: Erich von Stroheim

By minooallen on Sep 22, 2012 From Classic Movie Hub Blog

Happy Birthday to Classic Movie Legend, Erich von Stroheim, born September 22, 1885! To quote Sunset Blvd, ?There were three young directors who showed promise in those days: D. W. Griffith, Cecil B. DeMille, and Max Von Mayerling.? If you?re familiar with the film, which I’m sure you are, you... Read full article

"Blind Husbands" (1919) Erich von Stroheim

By Silentfilmfanatic on Jun 1, 2010 From Noir and Chick Flicks

"Blind Husbands" (1919) is a silent romantic drama starring Erich von Stroheim, Sam De Grasse, and Francelia Billington. Directed by Erich von Stroheim, this film is about an Austrian military officer who is determined to seduce the neglected wife of an American surgeon. The story begins with Dr. Ar... Read full article

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Erich von Stroheim Quotes:

[first lines]
Mary: Oh, I see a move. Look - eight on the nine, and then your King comes up, and that plays a Queen.
Gabbo: Will you leave these cards alone? You think you can show me something?

Field Marshal Rommel: We shall take that big fat cigar out of Mr. Churchill's mouth and make him say Heil.

Max Von Mayerling: There were three young directors who showed promise in those days: D. W. Griffith, Cecil B. DeMille, and Max Von Mayerling.
Joe Gillis: And she made you her servant.
Max Von Mayerling: It was I who asked to come back. I could have continued my career, but I found it unbearable after she'd left me. You see, I was her first husband.

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Erich von Stroheim Facts
While working at the tavern he met his first wife, Margaret Knox, and in a daring move for 1912 moved in with her. Knox acted as a sort of mentor to von Stroheim, teaching him language and literature and encouraging him to write. Under Knox's tutelage he wrote a novella entitled "In the Morning," with themes that anticipated his films: corrupt aristocracy and innocence debased. The couple married February 19, 1913, but money woes drove von Stroheim to deep depressions and terrible temper tantrums, which he took out on Knox. Not long after Margaret left him, and in May of 1914 filed for divorce.

Althugh von Stroheim claimed to have broken two ribs when he fell from a roof in The Birth of a Nation (1915), there is some question as to whether he actually worked on that film at all, and Joseph Henabery, one of the picture's assistant directors, says that von Stroheim didn't work for director D.W. Griffith until more than a year after this film was shot.

Immigrated to the United States at the port of New York aboard the S.S. Prinz Friedrich Wilhelm on 25 November 1909.

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