Cedric Hardwicke Overview:

Character actor, Cedric Hardwicke, was born Cedric Webster Hardwicke on Feb 19, 1893 in Lye, Worcestershire. Hardwicke died at the age of 71 on Aug 6, 1964 in New York City, NY and was laid to rest in Golders Green Crematorium Cemetery in Golders Green, Greater London, England.


Scholarly-looking English actor with imposing, fruitily booming voice, a former medical student and army officer who took to the London stage in the early thirties and played some choice theatre and film roles. He went to America in 1938, at first with some success as a character star, but then in progressively inferior parts. His last film role, however, was one of his best. Knighted in 1934.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Character Actors: an Illustrated Directory).



He was honored with two stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in the categories of Motion Pictures and Television.

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Cedric Hardwicke Quotes:

Commentary: Mars is more than 140 million miles from the sun, and for centuries has been in the last status of exhaustion. At night, temperatures drop far below zero even at its equator. Inhabitants of this dying planet looked across space with instruments and intelligences that which we have scarcely dreamed, searching for another world to which they could migrate. They could not go to Pluto, outermost of all planets. So cold, that even it's atmosphere lies frozen on it's surface. They couldn't go to Neptune, or Uranus. Twin worlds in eternal night and perpetual cold. Both surrounded by an unbreathable atmosphere of methane gas, and ammonia vapor. The Martians considered Saturn, and attractive world with it's many moons and beautiful rings of cosmic dust. But, it's temperature is close to 270 degrees below zero. And ice lies 15,000 miles deep on it's surface. Their nearest world was giant Jupiter, where there are titanic cliffs of lava and ice with hydrogen flaming at the tops, where the atmospheric pressure is terrible. Thousands of pounds to the square inch. Nor could they go to Mercury, nearest planet to the sun. It has no air, and the temperature at it's equator is that of molten lead.

Allan Quartermaine: You know, O'Brien, there's only one kind of man that it's useless to argue with.
Patrick 'Patsy' O'Brien: And that is?
Allan Quartermaine: A fool!

Dr. Thomas Arnold: A new boy is always important. He may be an influence for good or for evil.

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Cedric Hardwicke Facts
When Hardwicke died, his money was so eaten up by hospital expenses incurred during his final illness that there was no money left to pay for a funeral. Several actors' funds, in honor of his long, distinguished career, donated the money.

He was reputedly George Bernard Shaw's favourite actor.

Was nominated for Broadway's 1959 Tony Award as Best Actor (Dramatic) for "A Majority of One."

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