Naunton Wayne Overview:

Character actor, Naunton Wayne, was born Henry Wayne Davies on Jun 22, 1901 in Llanwonno, Wales. Wayne died at the age of 69 on Nov 17, 1970 in Surbiton, England .


Dapper, round-faced, Welsh-born light actor in British films, with dark, boot-polish hair and a casual way with a funny line. Most successful in company with Basil Radford, with whom he was felicitously teamed in The Lady Vanishes. They became the archetypal cricket-loving Englishmen abroad, and made several more engaging films (and many radio serials) together before Radford's early death broke the partnership.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Character Actors: an Illustrated Directory).



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Naunton Wayne Quotes:

Eustace Mills: We are in a jam now. We're in a dreadful pickle.

Charters: Talking of wartime sacrifices, Caldicott - do you remember old Parterton?
Caldicott: Chap with all those rubber plantations in Malaya?
Charters: Yes, that's the fellow. Do you remember his valet, Hawkins?
Caldicott: Yes.
Charters: He's evacuated to Weston-super-Mare.
Caldicott: Really?
Charters: Parterton's simply livid. Hasn't dressed himself for 30 years.
Caldicott: What's he going to do about it?
Charters: Follow him. To Weston-super-Mare.
Caldicott: Oh, by the way, how many mines have we laid here this morning?
Charters: Erm... 86. No no, 87.
Caldicott: Sure?
Charters: Positive.
Caldicott: Hmm. We must remember not to bathe here after the war.

Charters: I bought a copy of Mein Kampf. Occurred to me it might shed a spot of light on all this... how d'ye do. Ever read it?
Caldicott: Never had the time.
Charters: I understand they give a copy to all the bridal couples over here.
Caldicott: Oh, I don't think it's that sort of book, old man.

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Naunton Wayne Facts
His father was a solicitor.

Changed his name by deed poll in 1933.

After his successful partnership with Basil Radford (as two cricket-loving Englishmen) in Alfred Hitchcock's The Lady Vanishes (1938) they were teamed together, playing a variation of the same characters, in a further ten films, until Radford's early death brought the partnership to an end.

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