Lola Lane Overview:

Actress, Lola Lane, was born Dorothy Mullican on May 21, 1906 in Macy, IN. Lane died at the age of 75 on Jun 22, 1981 in Santa Barbara, CA .



Lola Lane BlogHub Articles:

Classic Movie Travels: Lola Lane

By Annette Bochenek on Mar 3, 2022 From Classic Movie Hub Blog

Classic Movie Travels: Lola Lane Lola Lane Lola Lane was borne Dorothy H. Mulligan on May 21, 1906, in Macy, Indiana, to Lorenzo and Cora Mulligan. Her father worked as a dentist in addition to renting out parts of their 22-room home to Simpson College students. Her mother was a former reporte... Read full article

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Lola Lane Quotes:

Cop: Hold it. You can't go in there, lady. There's been a hold-up and a murder.
Torchy Blane: You're wrong, boys. Hold-ups and murder are my meat. Here's the open sesame that swings wide all portals - my press pass. Torchy Blane of the Star.

Torchy Blane: Gahagan, lead me to Steve.
Detective Gahagan: Oh, Torchy, this is moider!
Torchy Blane: No, just a little quiet mayhem.

Butch: [referring to her gown] If your fans don't explode when you walk into that premiere tonight, I'll tear it to pieces!
Mona Marshall: Do you really think so, Butch?

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Lola Lane Facts
Her name served as the inspiration for the name of the Superman character Lois Lane.

Played vaudeville and appeared on Broadway with sister Leota Lane.

Typically a hard-edged gal in movies, she was nevertheless more famous for a series of Warner Bros. tearjerkers with sisters Rosemary Lane and Priscilla Lane.

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