Harry Andrews Overview:

Character actor, Harry Andrews, was born Harry Fleetwood Andrews on Nov 10, 1911 in Tonbridge, England. Andrews died at the age of 77 on Mar 6, 1989 in Salehurst, England .


Stern-faced, solid-headed British actor with dark hair. After he swapped a largely Shakespearian stage career (begun in 1933) for films, Andrews' jutted jaw and determined expression came much into call for sergeant-majors, martinet figures and similar forbidding roles. He later moved on to fanatics of various shapes and shades, with one or two gentler roles for welcome relief. Died from a viral infection complicated by asthma.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Character Actors: an Illustrated Directory).



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Harry Andrews Quotes:

Jacob Schpitendavel: Whore! To stand thus so prideful, with thy, thy protuberances. How thou dost shame me.

Gerald Sater: He's a one-ulcer man in a two-ulcer job.

John de Stogumber: I didn't know what I was doing. I am a hotheaded fool, and I shall be damned to eternity for it.

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Harry Andrews Facts
Trevor Howard, Alan Bates,Jack Gwillim, and Basil Hoskins were among his closest friends.

Attended Wrekin College in Shropshire, England.

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