Jill Bennett Overview:

Character actress, Jill Bennett, was born Nora Noel Jill Bennett on Dec 24, 1931 in Penang, Malaysia. Bennett died at the age of 58 on Oct 4, 1990 in London, England .


Attractive, fair-haired, Malaya-born British actress with gargoyle-like features. She played one or two unusual heroines in her early days, pixie-like creatures with backbones of steel. Her later characters tended to run to the neurotic, but she never really made her mark in British films, despite some telling performances, and her greatest successes were on stage. Married for some years to the playwright John Osborne, but later divorced. He published a vitriolic memoir of her in 1991. Committed suicide with pills.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Character Actors: an Illustrated Directory).



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Jill Bennett Quotes:

Aunt Pen: Nanny, what are you doing?
The nanny: I'm taking Master Joey an extra pillow... what are you doing up so late?
Aunt Pen: I couldn't sleep, I'm going to make a cup of tea.
The nanny: It's bad for you this late at night... you go back to bed and I'll bring you a glass of milk.
Aunt Pen: I don't want a glass of milk, I want a cup of tea.
The nanny: Allright.
Aunt Pen: Nanny, don't take Joey that pillow... he'll never go back to sleep.
[leaves the room and reenters a few seconds later]
Aunt Pen: You don't approve of pillows, I remember you saying when we were small 'children shouldn't have pillows'. What was that word you used? Overlay, they might overlay themselves. Suffocate.
The nanny: Master Joey is not a baby.
Aunt Pen: What happened in the bathroom?
The nanny: I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about.
Aunt Pen: What happened?
The nanny: Miss Pen.
The nanny: You're not well, let Nanny...
Aunt Pen: Don't you come near me.
The nanny: Miss Pen!
Aunt Pen: You went into the bathroom, even after Joey made you swear you wouldn't.
The nanny: Nor did I.
Aunt Pen: You lie, it's all been lies, hasn't it? You poisoned Virgie, it wasn't Joey at all.

Aunt Pen: You said you wouldn't go into the bathroom, he made you swear!
The nanny: Nor did I.
Aunt Pen: You lie!
The nanny: Miss Pen!
Aunt Pen: It's ALL been lies, hasn't it? Now give me that pillow.

Joey Fane: Can I sleep with you tonight?
Aunt Pen: You most certainly can not.
Joey Fane: What happens if you die in the night? You told Mommy you could drop down dead at any time.
Aunt Pen: Only if I excite or exert myself, and I don't plan to do either.

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Jill Bennett Facts
Born in Penang, Federated Malay States, to British parents; her father was a rubber plantation owner.

Schooled at Priors Field, an independent girls boarding school in Godalming.

Had a long-term relationship with the much older actor Sir Godfrey Tearle (1884-1953) in the late 1940s and early 1950s before marrying screenwriter Willis Hall. In her book, Godfrey: A Special Time Remembered (1983) she described their four years together as the happiest of her life.

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