Maurice Chevalier Overview:

Legendary actor, Maurice Chevalier, was born Maurice Auguste Chevalier on Sep 12, 1888 in Paris, France. Chevalier died at the age of 83 on Jan 1, 1972 in Paris, France and was laid to rest in Cimeti?re de Marnes la Coquette Cemetery in Hauts-de-Seine, Ile-de-France Region, France.


French actor and crooner of long stage background and international reputation. With twinkling eyes, Gallie charm, and leering lower lip, Chevalier became a big star of early Hollywood musical comedies, especially opposite Jeanette MacDonald. Everyone imitated his singing - even the Marx Brothers. Returned in the fifties, still lecherous but more avuncular. Given a special Academy Award in 1958. Died from a heart attack. He was nominated for best actor Oscars in The Love Parade and The Big Pond.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Stars).



Although Chevalier was nominated for one Oscar, he never won a competitive Academy Award. However he won one Honorary Oscar Award in 1958 for his contributions to the world of entertainment for more than half a century .

Academy Awards

YearAwardFilm nameRoleResult
1929/30Best ActorThe Big Pond (1930)Pierre MirandeNominated

Academy Awards (Honorary Oscars)

1958Honorary Awardfor his contributions to the world of entertainment for more than half a century


He was honored with one star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in the category of Motion Pictures. Maurice Chevalier's handprints and footprints were 'set in stone' at Grauman's Chinese Theater during imprint ceremony #25 on Dec 4, 1934. On 2002, Chevalier received the Disney Legends Award for living up to the Disney principals of imagination, skill, discipline, craftsmanship and magic.

Maurice Chevalier BlogHub Articles:

One Hour With You (1931): Jeanette MacDonald and Maurice Chevalier

By 4 Star Film Fan on May 11, 2022 From 4 Star Films

Ah, Spring in Paris! The local gendarmerie is intent on cleaning up the parks of couples canoodling. Among them are Andre Bertier (Maurice Chevalier) and his gal pal Colette (Jeanette MacDonald). But it’s perfectly decent. As they sing, later in bed together, “what a little thing like a ... Read full article

Classic Movie Legend Tribute: Maurice Chevalier

By minooallen on Sep 12, 2012 From Classic Movie Hub Blog

Happy Birthday to Classic Movie Legend, Maurice Chevalier, born on September 12, 1888! Maurice Chevalier is what some like to call a born entertainer. His impeccable comedic timing and exaggerated heavy French accent combined with poor-working class background made him an extremely approachable star... Read full article

“Gigi” – Leslie Caron, Louis Jourdan, Maurice Chevalier

By Art on Jul 10, 2011 From Classic Cinema Gold

“This story is about a little girl. It could be about any one of those little girls playing there. But it isn’t. It’s about one in particular. Her name is Gigi.” ~ Honore Lachaille (Maurice Chevalier) . “Gigi” is a 1958 musical film produced by Arthur Freed and... Read full article

Monday Serenade: Maurice Chevalier and Jeanette MacDonald

By KC on Jul 6, 2009 From Classic Movies

In this elaborate opening number from Rouben Mamoulian's Love Me Tonight (1932), tailor Maurice Chevalier sings Isn't It Romantic as a chauvinistic little ditty about his lover catering to his every need. His customer takes up the tune as he leaves the shop and it is then passed from person ... Read full article

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Maurice Chevalier Quotes:

[first lines]
Claude Chavasse: [voiceover] This is the city - Paris, France. It is just like any other big city - London, New York, Tokyo - except for two little things. In Paris, people eat better. And in Paris, people make love - well, perhaps not better, but certainly more often. They do it any time, any place. On the left bank, on the right bank, and in between! They do it by day, and they do it by night. The butcher, the baker, and the friendly undertaker. They do it in motion, they do it sitting absolutely still. Poodles do it. Tourists do it. Generals do it. Once in a while even existentialists do it. There is young love, and old love. Married love, and innocent love. That is where I come in. My name is Claude Chavasse. I am what you would call a private eye.

Ariane Chavasse: Working on a new case?
Claude Chavasse: A client from Brussels. His wife ran away to Paris with the chauffeur. I have to find them; the husband wants his car back.

Ariane Chavasse: Papa, you are a cynic!
Claude Chavasse: I guess I am.
Ariane Chavasse: You enjoy your work!
Claude Chavasse: I guess I do.
Ariane Chavasse: You'd enjoyed it even if you weren't paid for it!
Claude Chavasse: I wouldn't go that far.

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Maurice Chevalier Facts
On his death the "Times" of London wrote: "Paris has lost another piece of its history and of its legend".

Introduced his theme song, "Louise" (music by Richard A. Whiting, lyrics by Leo Robin), in his first U.S. film, Innocents of Paris (1929).

Chevalier was an infantryman in the French army during World War I and was captured by German troops in 1914. He spent two years in the Alten Grabow POW camp.

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