Dick Foran Overview:

Actor, Dick Foran, was born John Nicholas Foran on Jun 18, 1910 in Flemington, NJ. Foran died at the age of 69 on Aug 10, 1979 in Panorama City, CA .



He was honored with one star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in the category of Television.

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Dick Foran Quotes:

Frank Jennings: Any of the old bunch still around?
Lon Tuttle: Not many. Fred Salter is in jail for cattle rustling. Sammy Page and Doc Wrightmire got themselves hung for horse stealing. And the last I heard of Pete Kincaid, he was down in Indian country for his health. He got a sudden attack of lead poisoning running away from a posse. That leaves me and Buck and Slim Harris.
Frank Jennings: Things must be pretty quiet around here.

Cliff Moore: Well, what's the matter? You afraid?
Ed Jackson: So, you're afraid! Maybe they better change the name of your outfit from the Black Legion to the Yellow Legion.

Jeff Ramsay: Carter, do you remember the time I told you that civiliztion was gonna catch up to you whether you liked it or not? Well, it has - and it's passed ya.

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Dick Foran Facts
In the last decade of his life he worked almost exclusively in television commercials.

His divorce trial from his first wife in 1940 received considerable publicity and was the source of much gossip.

Four sons by his third wife; Thomas, Patrick, Michael, Sean.

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