Sidney Blackmer Overview:

Character actor, Sidney Blackmer, was born on Jul 13, 1895 in Salisbury, NC. Blackmer died at the age of 78 on Oct 6, 1973 in New York City, NY .


Suave, elegant American actor, good at upper-class sneers and often seen as society crooks with a weakness for women. Began his career in Pearl White serials, then didn't film again for 12 years. He was married to actresses Lenore Ulric (from 1928 to 1939) and Suzanne Kaaren (from 1942 to 1973), both of whom had successful minor careers. Died from cancer.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Character Actors: an Illustrated Directory).



He was honored with one star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in the category of Motion Pictures.

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Sidney Blackmer Quotes:

Theodore Roosevelt: Speak softly but carry a big stick!

Stanley Ford: Good evening, Judge Blackstone. I'm afraid this is a mournful occasion.
Judge Blackstone: Not at all, my boy, not at all. Been married 38 years myself. And I don't regret one day of it. The one day I don't regret was... August 2, 1936. She was off visiting her ailing mother at the time.

Swazey: Why, Jack, old partner! What's happened to you?
Jack Sherman: I've been very ill.
Swazey: Gee, that's too bad. Anything we can do? Maybe when you find out what we've come for, you'll feel better. When we sold you that land, we did it in good faith. We thought there was gold and plenty on it, and then we went off to California. On our way back, we stopped to see how you were faring, and we found out what had happened. Partner, we felt bad. Didn't we?
Hull: That's right.
Swazey: Now we'll prove we're honest. We made a long trip to find you to give you back your money.
Jack Sherman: You did, did you?
Swazey: Why, I couldn't sleep again if I thought you'd lost money. All we ask is that you hand over the deed to the property, and we'll pay you what you paid us, fair and square.
Jack Sherman: That's very kind and generous of you. Now be kind enough to get out of my house! You found out my land was valuable and the railroad wanted it, and I found out what kind of men you are. Now get out!
Swazey: Now partner, we came here to make an honest business deal for that deed. But if you're going to get rough about it, we'll have to get it another way.

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Sidney Blackmer Facts
Had two sons - Jonathan Blackmer and Brewster Blackmer.

Won Broadway's 1950 Tony Award as Best Actor (Dramatic) for "Come Back, Little Sheba."

His widow became entangled in a battle with Donald Trump during the 1980s. Trump wanted to sell the apartment she rented under New York City's Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption Program. Trump wanted more than the $1000 a month restriction and wanted her to sell the apartment. Eventually, in 1998, Trump was allowed to turn the apartment into condos, subject, however, to her tenancy. (Suzanne Kaaren) Mrs Blackmer did not receive any money as a result of the legal battle with Trump. Trump was enjoined from all attempts to evict her from the 100 Central Park South Apartment where she remained until her death in August of 2004. The Blackmers rented the apartment in 1948 and maintained a residence throughout their lives.

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