Sarita Wooton Overview:

Actress, Sarita Wooton, was born on {birthday} in {birth_city}, {birth_state}. As of December 2024, Sarita Wooton was years old.



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Sarita Wooton Quotes:

Cathy, as a child: You're so handsome when you smile.
Heathcliff, as a child: Cathy, don't make fun of me.
Cathy, as a child: Don't you know that you're handsome? Do you know what I've always told Ellen? That you're a Prince in disguise.
Heathcliff, as a child: You did?
Cathy, as a child: I said that your father was Emperor of China, your mother a Indian Queen. It's true Heathcliff. You were kidnapped by wicked sailors and brought to England. But I'm glad they did it because I've always wanted to know somebody of noble birth

Cathy, as a child: There's a beautiful castle that lies waiting for your lance, Sir Prince.
Heathcliff, as a child: You mean Penistone Crag?
Cathy, as a child: Yes.
Heathcliff, as a child: Aw, that's a rock!
Cathy, as a child: If you can't see that that's a castle, you'll never be a prince, Heathcliff. Here, take your lance and charge! See that black knight waiting at the drawbridge? Challenge him! Now charge, charge, charge, charge!

Cathy, as a child: Heathcliff, I'll race you to the barn. The one who loses has to be the other's slave.

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