Nigel Bruce Overview:

Character actor, Nigel Bruce, was born William Nigel Ernle Bruce on Feb 4, 1895 in Ensenada, Mexico. Bruce died at the age of 58 on Oct 8, 1953 in Santa Monica, CA .


Nigel Bruce was a British actor (born in Mexico) who carved out a career for himself playing well-meaning bumbler-fumblers and husbands. His 'Doctor Watson' in the Sherlock Holmes films of the 1930s and 1940s, although excellent at first, tended to drift into caricature in later films. Nigel also appeared in two Hitchcock classics, "Rebecca" (as 'Major Giles Lacy') and "Suspicion" (as 'Beaky'). He died from a heart attack at age 53.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Illustrated Dictionary of Film Character Actors).



Nigel Bruce BlogHub Articles:

Remembering Nigel Bruce on OTR

By Aurora on Oct 7, 2013 From Once Upon a Screen

British character actor, Nigel Bruce who appeared in over 80 films in a career that spanned three decades, died sixty years ago today (October 8, 1953). ?Best known for his depiction of Dr. Watson starring opposite Basil Rathbone in several pictures and radio dramas based on the?adventures of Sherlo... Read full article

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Nigel Bruce Quotes:

Dr. McLean: There's a good guest... brings his own cook and his own bedroom!

Lady Margaret Carstairs: [presenting her diamond] My husband gave it to me on our fifth wedding anniversary.
Sherlock Holmes: 423 carats, isn't it?
Lady Margaret Carstairs: The original diamond was over 700 carats.
Sherlock Holmes: Really?
Lady Margaret Carstairs: [to her son] Your father had it cut. Less ostentatious.
Dr. John H. Watson: Less ostentatious? It's as big as a duck's egg.

Col. Bruce 'Bunny' Willowbrook: There are only two kinds of men: those who admit they like women, and liars.

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Nigel Bruce Facts
Two daughters: Jennifer and Pauline

Began his acting career on stage in 1920.

In May 1945 Bruce underwent surgery for varicose veins in his legs as a result of his war injuries.

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