The Time of Their Lives Overview:

The Time of Their Lives (1946) was a Comedy - Fantasy Film directed by Charles Barton .

BlogHub Articles:

Abbott and Costello's The Time of Their Lives

By Rick29 on Feb 14, 2022 From Classic Film & TV Cafe

Bud and Lou in one of their few scenes together.One of Abbott and Costello's most atypical films ranks among their best. The Time of Their Lives (1946) is one of only two of the pair's movies in which they don't perform as a team. The previous year's Little Giant is the other non-comedy team picture... Read full article

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Quotes from

Horatio Prim: [Horatio and Nora are laying in the hay, Nora kisses him, he gasps and stutters] Nora!
Nora O'Leary: Oh Horatio, do my kisses thrill you that much?
Horatio Prim: I'm sitting on a pitchfork!

Cuthbert Greenway: Emily! When you came in here just now, did you or did you not kick me?
Emily: Certainly not.
Cuthbert Greenway: [getting worried] Oh!

Horatio Prim: [he and Melody collide and are wearing each other's clothes] Odds bodkins, we're all mixed up!
[they run into each other again and get back into their own clothes]
Horatio Prim: Melody, don't ever do that again, I'm a boy!

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Facts about

When this film was scheduled to be shot, Bud Abbott and Lou Costello were in the midst of one of their feuds, and were not speaking to each other. Consequently, the two have very few scenes where they appear together. They were also feuding when they began shooting Little Giant, which is why they also have few scenes together in that picture.
Marjorie Reynolds was loaned from Paramount.
Lou Costello's practice of taking home props proved to be a major problem for the special effects crew. Some of the special effects shots required the sets and props to remain intact for shooting with, and without, the actors. Reportedly on one occasion when Lou removed a prop, it required two days of re-shooting for the special effects department.
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