Abbott and Costello Meet the Killer, Boris Karloff Overview:

Abbott and Costello Meet the Killer, Boris Karloff (1949) was a Comedy - Mystery Film directed by Charles Barton and produced by Robert Arthur.

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Quotes from

Insp. Wellman: Someone in this room knows a lot more than he or she is admitting, and I intend to find out who it is.

Casey Edwards: [seeing one of Freddie's booby traps] That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen.
Freddie Phillips: Oh yeah? Well let me tell you something, if the murderer comes in here alone, somebody else is gonna carry him out.

Insp. Wellman: I'm going to locate Milford and Relia if I have to take this hotel apart with my own hands.

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Facts about

The role eventually played by Boris Karloff was originally a female character named Madame Switzer in the final shooting script which was then titled, 'Abbott and Costello Meet the Killers'. Five days before shooting, Karloff was hired and the character was changed to a swami.
After filming was completed, Lou Costello was bedridden for several months due to a relapse of rheumatic fever, which he originally battled in 1943. As a result, the duo did not make another film together until Abbott and Costello in the Foreign Legion, a year later.
The film was originally banned in Denmark due to the scene where corpses play cards.
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