John Huston Overview:

Legendary director, John Huston, was born John Marcellus Huston on Aug 5, 1906 in Nevada, MO. Huston died at the age of 81 on Aug 28, 1987 in Middletown, RI and was laid to rest in Hollywood Forever Cemetery in Hollywood, CA.


Tall, grizzled American director who became in his later years a leading character actor, presumably to help finance his continuing directing projects. As a director, his films were rich, varied, and often formidable - with occasional aberrations. As an actor, he tended to ham. A screenwriter in the 1930s and early 1940s. Academy Awards (direction and screenplay) for The Treasure of the Sierra Madre. Son of Walter Huston. Received an acting Oscar nomination for The Cardinal. Died from emphysema.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Stars).



John Huston was nominated for 11 Academy Awards, winning two for Best Director for The Treasure of the Sierra Madre in 1948 for Best Writing for The Treasure of the Sierra Madre in 1948.

Academy Awards

YearAwardFilm nameRoleResult
1941Best WritingSergeant York (1941)N/ANominated
1948Best DirectorThe Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948)N/AWon
1948Best WritingThe Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948)N/AWon
1950Best DirectorThe Asphalt Jungle (1950)N/ANominated
1950Best WritingThe Asphalt Jungle (1950)N/ANominated
1951Best DirectorThe African Queen (1951)N/ANominated
1951Best WritingThe African Queen (1951)N/ANominated
1952Best DirectorMoulin Rouge (1952)N/ANominated
1957Best WritingHeaven Knows, Mr. Allison (1957)N/ANominated
1963Best Supporting ActorThe Cardinal (1963)Cardinal GlennonNominated
1985Best DirectorPrizzi's Honor (1985)N/ANominated

He was honored with one star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in the category of Motion Pictures.

John Huston BlogHub Articles:

Freud: The Secret Passion (1962): Directed by John Huston

By 4 Star Film Fan on Sep 30, 2021 From 4 Star Films

Freud: The Secret Passion is made by John Huston’s sense of narrative posturing. In fact, he goes so far as to narrate the opening himself, relating how men like Copernicus and Darwin boldly went against the conventions of their day to help revolutionize people’s conception of the world.... Read full article

Classic Movie Beginner’s Guide: John Huston

By 4 Star Film Fan on Mar 28, 2020 From 4 Star Films

In our ongoing series of beginner’s guides for up-and-coming classic movie enthusiasts, we thought it would be well worth it to acknowledge one of Hollywood’s larger-than-life directors in John Huston. Before starting out as a screenwriter, he galvanized his reputation collaborating with... Read full article

Key Largo (1948, John Huston)

By Andrew Wickliffe on Sep 14, 2015 From The Stop Button

Key Largo is a grand affair. Humphrey Bogart versus Edward G. Robinson with Lauren Bacall and Claire Trevor in the wings. Not to mention Lionel Barrymore. The film plays beautifully. Director Huston and co-screenwriter Richard Brooks give Bogart and Bacall some lovely, ever so gentle; Bogart’s... Read full article

Huston, We Don’t Have a Problem! Congratulations to Walter and to his son John Huston for their Oscars! On March 24, 1949

By C. S. Williams on Mar 24, 2015 From Classic Film Aficionados

Walter Huston and son John Walter Huston won for Best Supporting Actor while son John Huston took home honors for Best Director and Best Screenplay, both men gaining their Academy Awards for The Treasure of the Sierra Madre; the first and only father and son winners in the same year and for the s... Read full article

Huston, We Don’t Have a Problem! Congratulations to Walter and to his son John Huston for their Oscars! On March 24, 1949

By C. S. Williams on Mar 24, 2015 From Classic Film Aficionados

Walter Huston and son John Walter Huston won for Best Supporting Actor while son John Huston took home honors for Best Director and Best Screenplay, both men gaining their Academy Awards for The Treasure of the Sierra Madre; the first and only father and son winners in the same year and for the s... Read full article

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John Huston Facts
Grandfather of Laura Huston and Jack Huston.

Although Huston was often described as being 6' 4" tall, his actual measured height at his peak was 6' 2".

Daughter Anjelica Huston was born while he was shooting The African Queen (1951) in Africa. He received the news of her birth by telegram.

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