Reginald Owen Overview:

Character actor, Reginald Owen, was born John Reginald Owen on Aug 5, 1887 in Wheathampstead, England. Owen died at the age of 85 on Nov 5, 1972 in Boise, ID and was laid to rest in Morris Hill Cemetery in Boise, Ada County, ID.



Reginald Owen BlogHub Articles:

A Study in Scarlet (1933) – with Reginald Owen and Anna May Wong

By Greg Orypeck on Jul 28, 2016 From Classic Film Freak

Share This! ?My interest is to bring the criminal to justice.??? Sherlock Holmes (Owen) A Study in Scarlet?came almost in the middle of Arthur Wontner?s five British Sherlock Holmes films, and would be the last American film about the detective until the first of the Basil Rathbone/Nigel Bruce serie... Read full article

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Reginald Owen Quotes:

Thorpe Athelny: I don't think women ought to sit down at table with men.
Philip Carey: Oh! Don't you? Why not?
Thorpe Athelny: It ruins conversation. I'm sure it's very bad for them. It puts ideas in their heads. And women are never at ease with themselves when they have ideas.
Philip Carey: You sound like the old voice of England.
Thorpe Athelny: I am sir. And this is fine old Yorkshire pudding that gives me the strength to carry on.

Claude Dabney: Miss Briggs, how many years have you been making what for convenience I call my tea?
Miss Briggs: What's wrong with it this time, Mr. Dabney?
Claude Dabney: Why nothing... except that it tastes absolutely filthy.

Adam Belinski: But I know Hitler.
Sir Henry Carmel: He has written a book, hasn't he?
Adam Belinski: Yes.
Sir Henry Carmel: Big success?
Adam Belinski: Very big.
Sir Henry Carmel: So what more does he want? Why doesn't he lie down and keep quiet?
Adam Belinski: If you really want to know, Sir Henry, read the book.
Sir Henry Carmel: It's an outdoor book. What is it called? Oh yes, "Mein Camp".

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Reginald Owen Facts
Was in the process of writing his autobiography at the time of his death.

Graduated from Tree's Academy of Dramatic Art.

Known for his vast portrayals of fictional and non-fictional fellows. Played Dr. Watson in Sherlock Holmes (1932), and then played the super-sleuth himself in A Study in Scarlet (1933), thus making him the only actor to play both roles. Also played King Louis XV in three different films.

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