Matches in people

Jean Darling Jean Darling Born on Aug 23, 1922 in Santa Monica (CA), died Sep 4, 2015 in Rodgau (Germany)

Randolph Scott Randolph Scott Born on Jan 23, 1898 in Orange County (VA), died Mar 2, 1987 in Beverly Hills (Los Angeles)

George C. Scott George C. Scott Born on Oct 18, 1927 in Wise (VA), died Sep 22, 1999 in Westlake Village (CA)

Allan Cuthbertson Allan Cuthbertson Born on Apr 7, 1920 in Perth (Australia), died Feb 8, 1988 in London (England)

Martha Scott Martha Scott Born on Sep 22, 1912 in Jamesport (MO), died May 28, 2003 in Van Nuys (CA)

Pippa Scott Pippa Scott Born on Nov 10, 1935 in New York City (NY)

Matches in movies

Scott of the Antarctic Scott of the Antarctic (1948)

Darling Darling (1965)

Nobody's Darling Nobody's Darling (1943)

Once More, My Darling Once More, My Darling (1949)

Darling, How Could You! Darling, How Could You! (1951)

Yes, My Darling Daughter Yes, My Darling Daughter (1939)