Born to Dance

Born to Dance

Nora Paige: Is that your daughter?
Jenny Saks: Yes, first prize at the Marathon Dance.
Nora Paige: I guess your daddy is proud of you.
Sally Saks: I've never seen my daddy.
Nora Paige: Why haven't you told him?
Sally Saks: Because someday we're gonna surprise him.

--Juanita Quigley (as Sally Saks) in Born to Dance

Imitation of Life

Imitation of Life

Baby Jessie Pullman, Age 3: I want my quack-quack!

--Juanita Quigley (as Baby Jessie Pullman, Age 3) in Imitation of Life

National Velvet

National Velvet

Edwina Brown: I'm so angry I could shake you!
Malvolia "Mally" Brown: I only wanted to explain about the polish...
Edwina Brown: you told Miss Sims I was meeting a *boy*! It's a wonder you didn't tell her who and where!
Malvolia "Mally" Brown: I didn't know where!

--Juanita Quigley (as Malvolia Brown) in National Velvet