Johnny Guitar

Johnny Guitar

Vienna: You shouldn't have come back, Tom.
Old Tom: I won't be in the way.
Vienna: I can't have anyone here.
Old Tom: Nobody notices me. I'm just part of the furniture.

--John Carradine (as Old Tom) in Johnny Guitar

Fallen Angel

Fallen Angel

Joe Ellis: Get in.
Eric Stanton: I'm not going.
Professor Madley: Not going? What's wrong?
Eric Stanton: Nothing. You go ahead. I'll meet you.
Professor Madley: But Eric - we need you for the advance publicity. San Francisco's a tough town on spooks.
Joe Ellis: Come on! hit 'em like the earthquake!
Eric Stanton: When I feel like it. I made it clear to you when I took this job. You can't tie me down. Cramps my style. I always work best when a certain feeling comes over me, and right now I haven't got it.
Joe Ellis: [under his breath] Genius!
Professor Madley: Eric my boy, you're an artist. You have my sympathy. And a bus ticket on the firm.

--John Carradine (as Professor Madley) in Fallen Angel

Blood of Dracula's Castle

Blood of Dracula's Castle

Glen Cannon: We'd like to speak to the Townsends, please.
George, the butler: They are not available till after sunset.

--John Carradine (as George, the butler) in Blood of Dracula's Castle

Jesse James

Jesse James

Bob Ford: [masked and holding a gun on train passengers] If you don't know what this is, folks, it's a hold-up!
[a woman screams]
Bob Ford: Stay in your seats, keep your hands in sight, and the gent who just threwed his pocketbook in the spittoon will kindly take it out and wipe it clean before we get to him.

--John Carradine (as Bob Ford) in Jesse James

The Grapes of Wrath

The Grapes of Wrath

Casy: I wouldn't pray just for a old man that's dead, 'cause he's all right. If I was to pray, I'd pray for folks that's alive and don't know which way to turn.

--John Carradine (as Casy) in The Grapes of Wrath

The Grapes of Wrath

The Grapes of Wrath

Casy: Maybe there ain't no sin and there ain't no virtue, they's just what people does. Some things folks do is nice and some ain't so nice, and that's all any man's got a right to say.

--John Carradine (as Casy) in The Grapes of Wrath

The Grapes of Wrath

The Grapes of Wrath

Casy: Tom, you gotta learn like I'm learnin'. I don't know it right yet myself. That's why I can't ever be a preacher again. Preachers gotta know. I don't know. I gotta ask.

--John Carradine (as Casy) in The Grapes of Wrath

The Grapes of Wrath

The Grapes of Wrath

Casy: You don' know what you're a-doin'.

--John Carradine (as Casy) in The Grapes of Wrath

Western Union

Western Union

Doc Murdoch: Feels like you got a slug there, pardner. A .44?
Charlie: Injun arrowhead. It don't bother me none.
Doc Murdoch: You know, some members of the medical profession like to cut them things out. But I say, let 'em stay if it's that comfortable.

--John Carradine (as Doc Murdoch) in Western Union

Revenge of the Zombies

Revenge of the Zombies

Dr. Max Heinrich von Altermann: Against an army of zombies, no armies could stand. Why, even blown half to bits - undaunted by fire and gas - zombies would fight on so long as the brain cells which receive and execute commands still remain intact.

--John Carradine (as Dr. Max Heinrich von Altermann) in Revenge of the Zombies

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