

Leslie Benedict: Money isn't everything, Jett.
Jett Rink: Not when you've got it.

--James Dean (as Jett Rink) in Giant

Rebel Without a Cause

Rebel Without a Cause

Frank Stark: You'll learn. When you're older, Jim.
Jim Stark: Well, I don't think that I want to learn that way.
Mrs. Carol Stark: Well, it doesn't matter anyway, because we're moving.
Jim Stark: [Grabs his mother] You're not going to tear me loose again.
Frank Stark: Well, this is news to me! Just why are we moving?
Mrs. Carol Stark: Oh, do I have to spell it out.
Jim Stark: You are not going to use me as an excuse again!
Mrs. Carol Stark: I don't.
Jim Stark: Everytime you can't face yourself, you blame it on me!
Mrs. Carol Stark: That is not true!
Jim Stark: You say it's because of me, you say it's because of the neighborhood! You use every other phony excuse! Mom, I just... Once I want to do something right! And I don't want you to run away from me again! Dad.
Frank Stark: This is all going too fast for me, son.
Jim Stark: You better give me something. You better give me something fast.
Mrs. Carol Stark: Jimmy, you're very young. A foolish decision now could wreck you're whole life. In ten years, you'll never know this happened.
Jim Stark: Dad, answer her. Tell her. Ten years. Dad, let me hear you answer her. Dad.
[Mr. Stark sits quietly]
Jim Stark: Dad, stand up for me.
[Mr. Stark still sits quietly, he grabs his father and yanks him up]
Jim Stark: Stand up!

--James Dean (as Jim Stark) in Rebel Without a Cause



Jett Rink: Everybody thought I had a duster. Y'all thought ol' Spindletop Burke and Burnett was all the oil there was, didn't ya? Well, I'm here to tell you that it ain't, boy! It's here, and there ain't a dang thing you gonna do about it! My well came in big, so big, Bick and there's more down there and there's bigger wells. I'm rich, Bick. I'm a rich 'un. I'm a rich boy. Me, I'm gonna have more money than you ever *thought* you could have - you and all the rest of you stinkin' sons of... Benedicts!

--James Dean (as Jett Rink) in Giant



Jett Rink: You sure do look pretty, Miss Leslie. Pert nigh good enough to eat!

--James Dean (as Jett Rink) in Giant

Rebel Without a Cause

Rebel Without a Cause

Jim Stark: [referring to his parents] They think I can make friends if we move. Just move, everything will be roses and sunshine.

--James Dean (as Jim Stark) in Rebel Without a Cause

Rebel Without a Cause

Rebel Without a Cause

Jim Stark: [to Ray] Please, lock me up. I'm gonna hit somebody and I don't want to...

--James Dean (as Jim Stark) in Rebel Without a Cause

Rebel Without a Cause

Rebel Without a Cause

Jim Stark: [walks down the stairs and into the empty pool] Ah, an underground nursery

--James Dean (as Jim Stark) in Rebel Without a Cause

Rebel Without a Cause

Rebel Without a Cause

Jim Stark: Hey they forgot to wind the sundial.

--James Dean (as Jim Stark) in Rebel Without a Cause

Rebel Without a Cause

Rebel Without a Cause

Jim Stark: I didn't chicken. You saw where I jumped. What did I have to do, kill myself?

--James Dean (as Jim Stark) in Rebel Without a Cause

Rebel Without a Cause

Rebel Without a Cause

Jim Stark: I don't know what to do anymore. Except maybe die.

--James Dean (as Jim Stark) in Rebel Without a Cause

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