The Command

The Command

Capt. Robert MacClaw: I'm getting out of the Army in seven days.
Martha Cutting: As a civilian?
Capt. Robert MacClaw: As a doctor.
Martha Cutting: But you're one now.
Capt. Robert MacClaw: Am I? A veterinarian can yank an arrow out of a dead man or a live one and a blacksmith can cauterize a wound with a hot iron. But neither of 'em can pull a child through diptheria or pneumonia.

--Guy Madison (as ) in The Command

The Command

The Command

Capt. Robert MacClaw: The riflemen are going to fight from the wagons.
Maj. Gibbs: Fight from wagons?
Capt. Robert MacClaw: Well, why not?
Maj. Gibbs: It's never been done! Wagons are supposed to be used as a defense.
Capt. Robert MacClaw: So the book says. Let's keep a closed book and an open mind, Major.

--Guy Madison (as ) in The Command

The Charge at Feather River

The Charge at Feather River

Miles Archer: I don't get it. Indians don't like to fight at night.
Grover Johnson, Artist: Why?
Miles Archer: Because if they get killed in the dark it'll always be dark in their happy hunting grounds.

--Guy Madison (as ) in The Charge at Feather River

The Charge at Feather River

The Charge at Feather River

Miles Archer: They'll charge again as soon as they pick a new chief.

--Guy Madison (as ) in The Charge at Feather River

The Charge at Feather River

The Charge at Feather River

Grover Johnson, Artist: Well, if they had squaws with them, they would hardly be on the warpath, would they?
Miles Archer: Anybody who tells you he can figure Indians - he's lyin'!

--Guy Madison (as ) in The Charge at Feather River

The Command

The Command

Martha Cutting: You hate being a soldier and you hate killing. Yet you do it.
Capt. Robert MacClaw: I got a uniform and a conscience. Right now, the uniform covers the conscience.

--Guy Madison (as ) in The Command

The Command

The Command

Martha Cutting: You sympathize with them. Why?
Capt. Robert MacClaw: Perhaps because we destroyed the Indian's ability to make a distinction between the good and the bad. He has a child's logic: the white man hurt him, therefore all white men are bad.

--Guy Madison (as ) in The Command

The Charge at Feather River

The Charge at Feather River

Pvt. Cullen: Well, sir, when I get drunk I forget what I do and I steal.
Miles Archer: Uh-huh.
Pvt. Cullen: And when I steal, I want to forget what I did so I get drunk.
Miles Archer: I just get drunk

--Guy Madison (as ) in The Charge at Feather River