Mystery of the Wax Museum

Mystery of the Wax Museum

Charlotte Duncan: I can just see it now you telling the landlady you didn't have the rent but ralph was awfully sweet.
Charlotte Duncan: It just so happens that the poor people are happier.
Florence: Then marry Ralph you'll be the happiest couple in the world.
Charlotte Duncan: I don't know what your going on about, I don't see any millionaires running after you.
Florence: Met one last night, all the money this side of peoria.
Charlotte Duncan: Who?
Florence: George Winton of the Park Avenue Wintons.

--Glenda Farrell (as Florence Dempsey) in Mystery of the Wax Museum

Mystery of the Wax Museum

Mystery of the Wax Museum

Charlotte Duncan: Ready, Florence?
Florence: Well, you two will have to struggle along without me, I've got a heavy date. No fouling in the clinches...

--Glenda Farrell (as Florence Dempsey) in Mystery of the Wax Museum

Havana Widows

Havana Widows

Showgirl: Violet got a Marine's name tattooed on her arm last night.
Sadie Appleby: By this time that arm must read like a regimental roll call.

--Glenda Farrell (as ) in Havana Widows

