

Jim Crow: [as Timothy and Dumbo walk away sadly] Hey brother, now wa-wa-wait a minute. You don't hafta leave feelin' like that. We done seen the light. You boys is okay.
Timothy Q. Mouse: Please. You've done enough.
Jim Crow: But we's all fixin' to 'hep ya. Ain't that the truth, boys?
[the other crows fly down, all agreeing happily]
Jim Crow: You wanna make the elephant fly, don't ya? Well, you gotta use a lot of 'chology. You know, *psy*-chology. Now here's what you do. First, you'll uh...
Jim Crow: [all the crows whisper]
Jim Crow: And then right after that, you'll uh...
[whispers continue]
Jim Crow: [plucks a feather from the youngest crow's tail; he yelps] Use the magic feather. Catch on?
Timothy Q. Mouse: [accepting the feather] The magic feather?
[smiles, now getting the secret, then winks as he gives Jim an elbow in the wing]
Timothy Q. Mouse: Yeah! I gotcha.
[rushes joyfully to Dumbo, then places the feather at the end of his trunk]
Timothy Q. Mouse: Dumbo! Look! Have I got it! The magic feather! Now you can fly!

--Edward Brophy (as Timothy Q. Mouse) in Dumbo

The Invisible Woman

The Invisible Woman

Foghorn: Put that away. Scientists don't carry tommy guns.
Bill: Say, maybe we should have brought a butterfly net, huh?

--Edward Brophy (as Bill) in The Invisible Woman

Hold That Kiss

Hold That Kiss

Al: Listen, if they got dough, they're not screwy, they're eccentric!

--Edward Brophy (as ) in Hold That Kiss

The Thin Man Goes Home

The Thin Man Goes Home

Brogan: Well, cut off my legs and call me Shorty.

--Edward Brophy (as Brogan) in The Thin Man Goes Home

The Gay Falcon

The Gay Falcon

Detective Grimes: [Helen Reed faints after being kissed by the Falcon] Boy, oh Boy, she sure stayed kissed, what a guy!

--Edward Brophy (as Detective Bates) in The Gay Falcon

The Falcon in San Francisco

The Falcon in San Francisco

Goldie Locke: [On seeing beautiful woman] If she can't help me with my income tax, nobody can.

--Edward Brophy (as ) in The Falcon in San Francisco

Mad Love

Mad Love

Rollo the Knife Thrower: [seeing the guillotine] Boy! Ain't that somethin'?

--Edward Brophy (as ) in Mad Love



Timothy Q. Mouse: [a trumpet and drumroll play as Dumbo hesitantly holds back from running out toward the elephant pyramid] Go on! Get goin'! Whatsa matter wit'cha? Dumbo, that's your cue! You're on, Dumbo!
[trumpet and drumroll play again as he pulls out a needle to force Dumbo onto the runway]

--Edward Brophy (as Timothy Q. Mouse) in Dumbo



Timothy Q. Mouse: [after Dumbo blows a zigzag bubble] That's a pretty strick slick. All right, let's see you blow a square one, pal.
[Dumbo blows a square bubble]
Timothy Q. Mouse: Say, that's very, very clever. Now blow a greaaaaaat big one!
[Dumbo blows a big bubble; it turns into a pink elephant]
Timothy Q. Mouse: That's a pretty stri... Hey!
[the pink elephant blows more pink elephants]
Timothy Q. Mouse: Dumbo!
[rushes under Dumbo's hat]
Timothy Q. Mouse: You see what I see?

--Edward Brophy (as Timothy Q. Mouse) in Dumbo



Timothy Q. Mouse: [after Dumbo pelts the other elephants with peanuts; shouts joyfully] You're makin' history!

--Edward Brophy (as Timothy Q. Mouse) in Dumbo

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