Film Quotes by Dorothy McGuire (p1) : Classic Movie Hub (CMH)


Summer Magic

Summer Magic

Peter Carey: Let me tell her, let me tell her!
Margaret Carey: Tell me.
Peter Carey: Well, with this piano, you don't need any hands! You use your feet to make the keys go up and down. And guess what! I played! I played with this leg, and nobody showed me how.
Margaret Carey: That's your smartest leg.

--Dorothy McGuire (as Margaret Carey) in Summer Magic

Swiss Family Robinson

Swiss Family Robinson

Father Robinson: First thing we've got to do is to, uh, unload the raft. Then, uh... put up some sort of shelter for the night.
Mother Robinson: No. That's not the first thing.
[kneels down in prayer, and the rest follow suit]

--Dorothy McGuire (as Mother Robinson) in Swiss Family Robinson

Swiss Family Robinson

Swiss Family Robinson

Father Robinson: The world is full of nice, ordinary little people who live in nice, ordinary little houses on the ground. But didn't you ever dream of a house up on a tree top?
Mother Robinson: No! Mostly I dream of having a house in New Guinea.

--Dorothy McGuire (as Mother Robinson) in Swiss Family Robinson

Swiss Family Robinson

Swiss Family Robinson

Father Robinson: What did I tell you? Anything we need, the island will produce it for us, even a girl.
Mother Robinson: *A* girl. But we have three sons.

--Dorothy McGuire (as Mother Robinson) in Swiss Family Robinson

Swiss Family Robinson

Swiss Family Robinson

Francis Robinson: You don't have to worry anymore: I got my tiger!
Mother Robinson: [awed] He's got his tiger.

--Dorothy McGuire (as Mother Robinson) in Swiss Family Robinson

Mister 880

Mister 880

Ann Winslow: What did you think it was? A boodle of queer?

--Dorothy McGuire (as Ann Winslow) in Mister 880



Ellen: There is something much more important than keeping alive, and that is knowing that you have lived.

--Dorothy McGuire (as ) in Invitation

Gentleman's Agreement

Gentleman's Agreement

Kathy Lacey: I was right not to settle. I was right to keep dreaming, because it's all come true. Darling, we're going to be so happy here. This house and I were waiting for you. I was always waiting for you, I think.

--Dorothy McGuire (as Kathy Lacy) in Gentleman's Agreement

Gentleman's Agreement

Gentleman's Agreement

Kathy Lacey: You can't help that you were born Christian instead of Jewish. It doesn't mean you're glad you were. But I am glad. There, I said it.

--Dorothy McGuire (as Kathy Lacy) in Gentleman's Agreement

Old Yeller

Old Yeller

Katie Coates: Now Arliss, you ride back here with Yeller.
Arliss Coates: On a count of he's a sicker Injun than me?
Katie Coates: Yes.

--Dorothy McGuire (as ) in Old Yeller - new customer offer