W.C. Fields

W.C. Fields
(as Larson E. Whipsnade)

Charlie McCarthy: Nobody's gonna find me after the show.
Larson E. Whipsnade: Ah, yes they are. You'll be hanging in my window as a venetian blind!
Charlie McCarthy: Oh, that makes me shutter.
Larson E. Whipsnade: Quiet or I'll throw a woodpecker on you.

W.C. Fields

W.C. Fields
(as Larson E. Whipsnade)

Man: There's been a mistake in my change.
Larson E. Whipsnade: Ah, at long last, an honest man. Want to return some money?
Man: No, I'm short!
Larson E. Whipsnade: Don't brag about it. I'm only five-feet-eight myself.

W.C. Fields

W.C. Fields
(as Larson E. Whipsnade)

Thin Man: Would you like to make a few honest dollars for yourself?
Whipsnade: Do they have to be honest?

