Rita Hayworth
(as Carmen)
[the colonel walks passed, and Carmen eyes him] Must you roll your eyes at every man? Even the colonel?
Carmen García: Such an important man might be very useful if he - My eyes are my own to send where I please. Must I tell you again? No one tells Carmen's eyes where to go or how to behave but Carmen.
Carmen García: Such an important man might be very useful if he - My eyes are my own to send where I please. Must I tell you again? No one tells Carmen's eyes where to go or how to behave but Carmen.

Rita Hayworth
(as Carmen)
Carmen García:
[a bride and groom just walk out of a church]
[to Jose]
Carmen García: Look at them. The bride. They paide their last peseta to get rid of her. But it was worth it. The bride. She'll hate him, but she'll cling to him like a leach. There's a payo wife for you. And the fine groom. In a week, he will be beating her. There's a payo marriage for you.
Woman with Broom: [a woman was listening on the stairs] Shut up, you! You talk that way because nobody would marry a Gypsy like you.
Carmen García: No? I could marry any man in Seville I wanted to. But I'd rather be dead, do you hear? I'd rather be dead than be the stale wife of a spiritless payo!
[the wedding party passes, and Carmen calls out to the groom]
Carmen García: Ah, Manuelito! Remember me, little pig of a payo? I told you she'd catch you! Little estúpido!
[the bride tries to go over and fight Carmen, but her husband holds her back. And Carmen throws an orange at her]
[to Jose]
Carmen García: Look at them. The bride. They paide their last peseta to get rid of her. But it was worth it. The bride. She'll hate him, but she'll cling to him like a leach. There's a payo wife for you. And the fine groom. In a week, he will be beating her. There's a payo marriage for you.
Woman with Broom: [a woman was listening on the stairs] Shut up, you! You talk that way because nobody would marry a Gypsy like you.
Carmen García: No? I could marry any man in Seville I wanted to. But I'd rather be dead, do you hear? I'd rather be dead than be the stale wife of a spiritless payo!
[the wedding party passes, and Carmen calls out to the groom]
Carmen García: Ah, Manuelito! Remember me, little pig of a payo? I told you she'd catch you! Little estúpido!
[the bride tries to go over and fight Carmen, but her husband holds her back. And Carmen throws an orange at her]

Rita Hayworth
(as Carmen)
Carmen García:
[Jose's watch chimes] Well, not only is he beautiful, but music comes out of him.
Don José Lizarabengoa: It's just a watch. It chimes.
Carmen García: Aw, too bad. I thought for a minute you had wonderful possibilities.
Don José Lizarabengoa: It's just a watch. It chimes.
Carmen García: Aw, too bad. I thought for a minute you had wonderful possibilities.

Rita Hayworth
(as Carmen)
Carmen García:
[She is sitting behind José on a horse] We go now to our winter home, Joseíto. We should send out invitations, I think. The Señor and Señora Liz... What did you say our name is?
Don José Lizarabengoa: Lizarabengoa.
Carmen García: ...will be at home for the winter in the caves of Granada.
Don José Lizarabengoa: Won't it be cold living there in the caves?
Carmen García: [Holds him tighter, and says in a suggestive voice] No, Joseíto. It won't be cold.
Don José Lizarabengoa: Lizarabengoa.
Carmen García: ...will be at home for the winter in the caves of Granada.
Don José Lizarabengoa: Won't it be cold living there in the caves?
Carmen García: [Holds him tighter, and says in a suggestive voice] No, Joseíto. It won't be cold.

Rita Hayworth
(as Carmen)
Carmen García:
[She is trying to convince Don Jose to let her escape] I run very fast. You should see me run. I have very good legs.
[She pulls up her skirt to expose her legs]
Carmen García: See what good legs I have, little soldier, for running.
[the men all gawk at her. She pushes Don Jose into the other soldiers and escapes from them]
[She pulls up her skirt to expose her legs]
Carmen García: See what good legs I have, little soldier, for running.
[the men all gawk at her. She pushes Don Jose into the other soldiers and escapes from them]

Rita Hayworth
(as Carmen)
Carmen García:
[Talking about Navarré] Is it really true they wear little blue berets and tell big black lies?
Don José Lizarabengoa: Oh, never. Never.
Carmen García: And don't know how to love a woman?
Don José Lizarabengoa: Well, that's true. Teach me, I'm from Navarré, and I don't know a thing.
Carmen García: There's a big black lie.
[They kiss, and Jose handles her roughly]
Carmen García: Ay! The Gypsies say that a lover should have gentle hands, a gentle mouth, and a gentle heart.
Don José Lizarabengoa: And a woman the same?
Carmen García: No. She should have cruel hands, a cruel mouth, and no heart at all.
[They kiss]
Don José Lizarabengoa: Oh, never. Never.
Carmen García: And don't know how to love a woman?
Don José Lizarabengoa: Well, that's true. Teach me, I'm from Navarré, and I don't know a thing.
Carmen García: There's a big black lie.
[They kiss, and Jose handles her roughly]
Carmen García: Ay! The Gypsies say that a lover should have gentle hands, a gentle mouth, and a gentle heart.
Don José Lizarabengoa: And a woman the same?
Carmen García: No. She should have cruel hands, a cruel mouth, and no heart at all.
[They kiss]

Rita Hayworth
(as Carmen)
Carmen García:
I knew you would be a nuisance. I said it! You and your tiresome regrets. And your weeping about something that's already over and done with. Take your payo conscience and make some woman a present of it. I tell you I'm sick of it!
Don José Lizarabengoa: It'd be well if you borrowed some of my conscience because you have none of your own.
Carmen García: You wouldn't love me nearly so much if I had a conscience, Joseíto.
Don José Lizarabengoa: [Sarcastically] That's a wonderful excuse. To say, "I'm a Gypsy and I don't know right from wrong."
Carmen García: [She kisses him] I don't know, Joseíto. Tell me. What is right? What is wrong?
[She kisses him again]
Carmen García: Is that wrong, little soldier?
Don José Lizarabengoa: It'd be well if you borrowed some of my conscience because you have none of your own.
Carmen García: You wouldn't love me nearly so much if I had a conscience, Joseíto.
Don José Lizarabengoa: [Sarcastically] That's a wonderful excuse. To say, "I'm a Gypsy and I don't know right from wrong."
Carmen García: [She kisses him] I don't know, Joseíto. Tell me. What is right? What is wrong?
[She kisses him again]
Carmen García: Is that wrong, little soldier?

Rita Hayworth
(as Carmen)

Rita Hayworth
(as Carmen)
Carmen García:
What is it? What do you see there that makes you look like that?
[She looks at the tarot cards]
Carmen García: That isn't my fortune.
Old Crone: The fat's in the fire, all right. Just as I said.
Carmen García: That isn't my fortune, I tell you. I didn't cut the cards.
[Carmen swats them off the table]
Carmen García: Anyway, I don't believe in cards. I never have. As if you could see in those stupid cards that death was walking my way. We all have to die. And I can't think of a nicer way than to be killed by love.
[She looks at the tarot cards]
Carmen García: That isn't my fortune.
Old Crone: The fat's in the fire, all right. Just as I said.
Carmen García: That isn't my fortune, I tell you. I didn't cut the cards.
[Carmen swats them off the table]
Carmen García: Anyway, I don't believe in cards. I never have. As if you could see in those stupid cards that death was walking my way. We all have to die. And I can't think of a nicer way than to be killed by love.

Rita Hayworth
(as Carmen)
Carmen García:
You're a nice boy but I don't love you. I don't love anybody. I never in my life loved anybody. And you're just the sort of big stupid who falls in love in return for a kiss. And then makes a nuisance of himself.
[She opens a back door]
Carmen García: You can go out this back way.
[Don Jose stands there confused]
Carmen García: Get out. Have you lost your hearing? I said go home!
Don José Lizarabengoa: But why?
Carmen García: Because... Because I'm afraid that... that someday you will be very cruel.
[She opens a back door]
Carmen García: You can go out this back way.
[Don Jose stands there confused]
Carmen García: Get out. Have you lost your hearing? I said go home!
Don José Lizarabengoa: But why?
Carmen García: Because... Because I'm afraid that... that someday you will be very cruel.